Principal's News

Courage, Faith, Love
Dear parents and friends of St Agatha's Primary School,
I hope you all had a wonderful term break. It was lovely to see everyone return for Term 2.
We started the term with a special Easter Liturgy led by the Year 1 students. The Easter Liturgy celebrated the Risen Christ. Easter is the most important liturgical season of the Catholic calendar and celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
The resurrection of Jesus is a testament to God's power over death and the victory of life over darkness. It is a reminder that, despite the challenges we may face, we can have hope and faith that God will see us through.
You might like to share this prayer with your families this week. It is taken from the Easter Liturgy.
Lord Jesus,
we are Easter people and
Alleluia is our song.
Help us to live our Easter joy
in all that we do and say.
We make this prayer through Christ our Lord.
This week we started the week with Kazoom. Kazoom is fun sport day that the Year 6 House Captains organised with their teachers and Mr V for the whole school to enjoy.
From the look on the children's faces it was a fun day for everyone! Congratulations to the Year 6 students and especially the House Captains who did a wonderful job practising their excellent leadership skills and modelling our school expectations of Safety, Respect and Responsibility.
Congratulations to Gillian Burke
On behalf the school community, I would like to express my congratulations to Mrs Gillian Burke who has been appointed our new Religious Education Leader. Gillian will be working closely with the Parish Sacramental Team for our upcoming Sacramental workshops and Masses/Liturgies. Gillian will continue in her role as Year 5 classroom teacher on Mondays to Thursdays and will be replaced on a Friday to work in her new leadeship role.
Difficult Conversations...
Over the last week there have been disturbing images in the news and on social media relating to the tragic events that unfolded in Sydney. If you are wondering how you may navigate speaking to your children about this or other disturbing events that may be viewed on TV or online I encourage you to read the Wellbeing section of this newsletter. Our School Counsellor - Cath Backhouse has included an excellent article about supporting parents to have these difficult conversations with children.
Perhaps this week you might like to pray the Lord's Prayer for those who have lost their lives, their families and for those who witnessed the violent attacks in Sydney last week. I pray that they are held in the palm of God's hand and can find comfort in this dark time.
Mother's Day Events
On Tuesday 7th May, our STAC group are organising to hold the annual Mother's Day Stall. Please see the STAC News page for more details. All purchases will need to be made through the CDFpay app.
On Friday 10th May, we are holding the Mother's Day Breakfast. A letter went out earlier this week inviting all mothers/grandparents to enjoy a hot breakfast of bacon and eggs. To cover our costs we do need to ask for a nominal fee of $3 per bacon & egg sandwich. All purchases will need to be made through the CDFpay app. Please ensure you have RSVP'd by Friday 3rd May.
Please don't forget that ANZAC day is a public holiday and this Friday is a Pupil Free Day. All staff will be involved in professional learning with St Therese's and St Thomas the Apostle primary schools on the topic of Inclusive Education.
I hope that you all have a wonderful week and look forward to enjoying Mother's Day breakfast with you on Friday 10th May.
Take care,
Michelle Bruitzman