Class Celebrations

Celebrating the growth in our wonderful children on each learning level...


This week the Preps had a visit from Fireman Sam. In Humanities they have been learning about our local community members and how they contribute to our society. In the session, they learnt about the difference between good and bad fires and listened to the noise a smoke alarm makes. The students even got to touch the equipment and practice 'Get down low and go, go, go!'. Fireman Sam said that next week they will be looking at the firetruck!


Year 2

Our Year 2 students have been working hard to independently recall their knowledge of various maths concepts. This included showing their understanding of place value by making numbers using MAB, completing My Numeracy addition activities on Essential Assessment, using a calendar and using strategies to answer worded problems. Check out the photos below and Seesaw to see how they went. 


Year 4

Ask nearly any Year 4, and we are sure they will say that their week of swimming lessons at MSAC has been a highlight of the year so far! It has been so fantastic to see students challenging themselves and (literally) diving out of their comfort zones. The students have made great progress with their swimming while having a heap of fun in the process!

Year 5

The Year 5 students certainly made a splash at MSAC this week during their swimming lessons. They brought so much energy and positivity each day. We heard many of our students using beautiful manners whilst travelling on the tram, one example of this was when one student offered her seat to an elderly person on two occasions. The students all had a great week of fun whilst progressing with their swimming. 

Year 6

The children have had an incredible experience at MSAC, where they not only learned to swim but also gained vital water safety skills. Each session was filled with fun activities that kept them engaged and enthusiastic about learning. The instructors created a supportive and encouraging environment, allowing the children to build confidence in the water. From the joy of their first successful strokes to the thrill of playful races with friends, the children made countless memories. The friendships formed and the laughter shared will be cherished long after the lessons have ended, making their time at MSAC truly unforgettable.