Student of the Week

Class                           Child                                                    Reason                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
Prep ALars MFor showing the school value of achievement. Lars, I have been so impressed by the high standards you set for yourself and the determination you show to further your learning. Well Done, Lars.
Prep BWillowFor showing the school value of Achievement. Willow, I am so impressed with how you have started Term 2. I love seeing how happy you are sounding out and decoding words!
Prep CLeo JFor showing the school value of Resilience. Leo we are so impressed with how well you have been entering the classroom each morning this term. We think you are an absolute superstar!
1AAleksa MFor showing the school value of Achievement. Congratulations on an unbelievable recount following the Anzac Day long weekend. Aleksa we are so pleased with the way you record events sequentially, sound out unfamiliar words and the risks you take in writing by including challenging vocabulary. Keep it up!
1BMarleyFor showing the school values of achievement and cooperation. Marley, I am so impressed with how hard you have been working in class and I love how you always volunteer to help around our classroom.
1CBillieFor showing all 4 CARE school values. Billie, you are a CARE Values Super Star. You are always Being Your Best and you are such a wonderful role model for all of 1C.

Arlo S

Archer V

Arlo - For showing the school value of Achievement. Arlo has worked hard to complete all set tasks. He should be proud of the way he has worked and contributed to the class.

Archer - For showing the school value of Achievement. Congratulations on a fantastic week. Archer, you have worked so hard this week in all tasks. You should be so proud of what you have achieved.

2B                                                                                                                                  Tristan K                                         For showing the school value of Achievement. Tristan you listened to instructions, edited your writing and completed a fantastic monster character description.
2CViktor MFor showing the school value of Empathy. Viktor you show kindness and compassion towards your friends. We are lucky to have you in 2C.
3A                                     PennyFor showing the school values of Achievement & Respect. Penny, you’ve blown me away with your focus and effort in each task.
3BJamesFor showing the school value of achievement in our writing sessions! I am so proud of the effort you have put into your creative recount.
3CJulianFor showing all the school CARE values. Julian you always give 100% during our class tasks and are a great whole body listener. You are a kind friend to others and a lovely addition to our class.
4AImogen KFor showing ALL the school values! Imogen is a kind and considerate class member who is always willing to help other students in our class. You’re a star Imogen.
4BAll of 4BFor showing the school value of Respect and Empathy. It has been wonderful to see so many Random Acts of Kindness throughout the day.
4CArchieFor showing the school value of CARE. Archie, you approach school life with such enthusiasm and always show our values. Congratulations
5ACAMPN/A due to Camp
5BCAMPN/A due to Camp
5C                                                              CAMP                    N/A due to Camp   
5DCAMPN/A due to Camp
6AEmeliaFor showing the school values of CARE. Emelia, you have taken a positive and mature approach to feedback. You should be incredibly proud.
6BHaileyFor showing the school value of Achievement. Hailey, you produced a fantastic piece of writing for your Big Write. You should be very proud of yourself!
6CTabiFor showing the school value of Achievement by working with a positive attitude, challenging herself and completing tasks to a very high standard
Performing Arts For showing the school value of CARE 2A
ART1CFor showing the school values of CARE. Congratulations 1C!
PE For showing the school value of CARE 2C
Auslan4CFor showing all the school CARE values and putting in their best efforts
LibraryPrep AFor showing the school value of RESPECT by looking after the books, the library and each other!