AAC / Communication

12 Teachable Moments

At Hamlyn Views we developed a resource called 12 Teachable Moments in 2020. This was created to support our students to communicate a range of intensions, for example commenting, requesting, joking, greeting, expression or sharing opinions. Across the school you can find this visual resource in all learning spaces. 


To be a strategic communicator is to select and use the most efficient and effective method of communication in any given situation. Our students have one or two different ways to say something, but can struggle to communicate something in a different way. We know what our student’s words and signs mean but not everybody can understand these. 


By using our ‘12 Teachable Moments’ to model and encourage use of AAC we can help our students to become strategic communicators. 


In our Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Action Team, we continue to support staff and students with the use of the 12 Teachable Moments to help promote student voice and agency.