Year 5-6

Term 2, Week 8 

Check out what we have been up to lately!



This term, we have explored the liturgical celebration of Pentecost as the coming of the Holy Spirit and are developing an understanding of the symbols of Pentecost.



We have completed our unit on information texts. Students have created their own texts based on an interest of their own. Some of the titles include:

  • Caleb Serong
  • Barrel Racing
  • Golf Ball
  • Frogs
  • Fox Species
  • Natural Disasters
  • Taylor Swift
  • Richmond FC

We have now moved onto narratives, with a focus on an author's craft and using them as a mentor for our own writing. 

We have recently completed our class novels, where we have reflected on the text and created a book review.


We have been learning about comparing, measuring and drawing angles as well as how to use a protractor. We have learnt about about reflex angles and the difference between interior and exterior angles.


Check out the poster below for our next Celebration of Learning Day!


The Resilience Project.

Working on gratitude helps us to be thankful and appreciate what we have in our lives, rather than focusing on what we don’t have or what we want. When we practise being grateful, we start to scan the world to look for positives – this only takes 21 days! Practising gratitude every day increases our levels of energy, and helps us to feel happier and more focused, determined and optimistic. It even helps us have better sleep, lowers levels of anxiety and depression and we are less likely to get sick. So many benefits – let’s all try to be grateful for the things and people in our lives every day!






National Simultaneous Story Time

Bowerbird Blues was the story for this year's National Simultaneous Story Time. Students from 3-6 were placed in three seperate groups for the morning and rotated through various activities.

My Future Academy

Each fortnight we are lucky enough to have Jimmy or Jake here to take our students for team building, communication skills, core strength and self umpiring.The students are fully engaged during their time and look forward this each fortnight. 

Scienceworks Robotics Incursion

Kinder and Goodstart Early Learning Visits

Recently, we have reconnected with the Kinder and Goodstart Early Learning. Students have read stories to these children and spent timing creating and playing during these sessions.

St Vincent De Paul Food Drive.

In week 7, students walked to Burton's as part of the St Vincent De Paul. They had to be on close watch of what to buy and how much they were going to spend. It was a fantastic experience as always and we thank the wonderful staff at our local IGA for taking the time to help and support our students.

Winter Sports

A few weeks ago, we travelled to Shepparton and Mooroopna for our Winter Sports Competition. With football, soccer, netball and T-ball the choices, we were ready to go! Congratulations to our Girls Soccer team who won this stage and are onto the next round.

Cake Raffle Volunteers

We would love students/parents/grandparents to be a part of our cake making team. Every assembly, we draw a raffle for a cake/slice/biscuits and children love being a part of the 

competition. If you would be interested in contributing, could you please send us an email and we can add you to a roster.





School Uniform, Water and Hats


Just a reminder about our school uniform policy. 


  • The expectation is that ALL students have their own hat at school with their name on it. 
  • Students need to wear green socks and black shoes when we do not have PE or Bluearth. 
  • Earrings need to be studs or sleepers.
  • No nail polish or necklaces.
  • White socks and runners on PE and Bluearth days.
  • Hair that reaches the collar needs to be tied back.
  • Only water is to bought to school.

If this is unable to be achieved on a particular day, please write a note or email to your child's classroom teacher.

Weekly Timetable

Monday: Art


Wednesday: Japanese (5/6M), STEM (5/6F)

Thursday: PE (Both classes), STEM (5/6M), Japanese (5/6F).

Friday: Bluearth (Even weeks) Assembly (Odd weeks)


Each week we have specialist subjects. On Bluearth and PE days, students can wear their PE uniform.


Lou, Linc, Thom, Kerry and Lisa.