

4th - Science Incursion 9am

5th - Trip to Burtons -  Food Drive for St Vinnies            Yr 3/4 9.30am

6th - SRC Crazy Hair Day 👱‍♂️ 

         Gold coin donation to St Vinnies

        Trip to Burtons -  Food Drive for St Vinnies            Yr 1/2  9.15am

7th -   Whole School Mass 

          Feast of the Sacred Heart 12.30pm

10th - King's Birthday Public Holiday

13th - Let's Find Our Voice FCJ Yr 5/6 11am

14th - Class Mass Yr F/5/6 12.30pm

         Yr 1/2 R Assembly 2.45pm

17th - Playgroup Mercy Centre 9-10am

  Dental Health Visit Yr F-2 1pm, Yr 3-6 2.20pm

19th - Helen Haines Visit Yr 5/6 2.30-3.15pm

21st - Region Cross Country

Maths Incursion Performance Yr F-6 11.45am

Celebration Of Learning - MATHS 2.30pm

         My Future Academy (Sport)

24th - Playgroup Mercy Centre 9-10am

24th & 25th  Parent Teacher Interviews 2-5pm

26th - Whole School Assembly 2.45pm

   Student's Last Day Term 2 Ends 3.15pm

27th & 28th Pupil Free Days

July ☂

15th - Term 3 Begins

Playgroup Mercy Centre 9-10am

22nd - Playgroup Mercy Centre 9-10am

26th - My Future Academy (Sport)

29th - Playgroup Mercy Centre 9-10am

31st - Regional Soccer Championships

August 🌧

2nd - Class Mass Yr 1/2 12.30pm

5th - Playgroup Mercy Centre 9-10am

8th - Feast Day of Mary Mackillop

9th - Melbourne Excursion - Museum & Shrine of Remembrance Yr 5/6  7am

My Future Academy (Sport)