Brunswick Values Teamwork

...a key skill in learning and in life


Sally Goss

VCE Vocational Major Teacher


Teamwork:  noun


...the combined action of a team, especially when effective and efficient.


Kelby Rogers and Veronica Hewitt (Year 11 VCE Vocational Major) have chosen to take on a project to improve our Kitchen Garden.

They have been busy writing grant applications to try to get funds to purchase a range of edible indigenous plants that can be nurtured and grown for use by the Food Studies students.

This project contributes to their VCE Vocational Major outcomes, extending both their Personal Development Skills and Work Related Skills.  Kelby and Veronica have devoted their lunchtime and recesses to preparing the garden beds (weeding etc) and have worked hard together to get this project launched.


Veronica H
Veronica H

Veronica Hewitt & Kelby Rogers

Year 11

The garden project idea sparked from needing to do a project for Work Related Skills, and we love gardens and gardening. 

Then came the idea of making a native garden to expand our school's ability to teach about native Australian plants and their uses, and to spread awareness of the need for conservation.

Kelby R
Kelby R

We hope to be able to start being able to do more in the garden when we secure funding. We would like to be able to purchase and grow the plants, and to provide upkeep to the garden along the way. 


Congratulations to both Kelby and Veronica on this important school community initiative, and for demonstrating outstanding teamwork skills and commitment.


Jacqui Pasinis

Wellbeing Officer - Senior School


Teamwork is incredibly valuable in many aspects of life, whether in business, sports, education, or personal relationships. 

Here are some key reasons why teamwork holds such significance:



Teamwork is invaluable because it:

  1. Enhances Collaboration: By Combining the diverse skills of a number of people, the result is greater creativity and productivity.
  2. Optimises Efficiency: Team members can divide tasks between them based on their individual strengths, reducing workload and burnout.
  3. Fosters Support: A united group provides emotional backing, boosting morale and resilience.
  4. Encourages Diversity: The team brings together the varied experiences of individuals resulting in better decision-making and innovation.
  5. Promotes Learning: Individuals develop and share skills through collaboration 
  6. Improves Communication: It encourages team members to communicate clearly, to listen to others, discuss, and contribute constructive feedback.
  7. Aligns Goals: Working together unites team members towards common goals, which drives commitment and achievement.
  8. Adapts to Change: Maintains a group's flexibility to respond to challenges and seize opportunities effectively.

In essence, teamwork harnesses the collective strengths of the individuals on the team, and uses them to achieve more together than the individuals could alone. This makes teamwork crucial in achieving success in any endeavour.


Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.”    Henry Ford