Events for Term Two
St Agnes’ Playgroup -
Playgroup occurs fortnightly on a Friday and is led by Mrs Baker. The next Playgroup is on Friday June 21st at 9am.
Year 1/2 Family Faith Night - Tonight 12th June at 7pm
Our Year 1/2 children and parents are asked to come along to our Family Faith Night, where we will talk and learn about storytelling in RE . Please see the relevant Operoo for more detail.
SSV Football and Netball Lightning Premierships
Thursday 13th June & Friday 14th June
The school will have representative teams head to the Holt District Netball and Football Lightning Premiership competitions on Thursday 13th and Friday 14th June. The school will select our best teams for these competitions. Operoos have been sent out with more detail over the last few weeks.
P&F Disco - Friday 14th June- see P and F page for booking link- closes 5pm today!
The Parents & Friends Committee will be hosting the annual student disco. There will be a Junior and a Senior disco on the night. More information to follow.
End of Semester Reports - Friday 21st June
End of Semester Reports will be sent home on Friday 21st June. A hard copy will be sent home and an electronic copy will be available via the nForma Parent Portal.
Parent - Teacher Interviews - Tuesday 25th June
As part of the end of semester assessment and reporting process, Parent/Teacher Exchanges provide the opportunity to discuss your child’s report. Booking information will follow.
Shine the Light - Social Justice Action Day - Friday 28th June
We finish Term Two with a focus on social justice on Shine the Light Social Justice Day. More information will be communicated later in the term.
Last Day of Term Two
Term Two concludes on Friday 28th June at 1.30pm