Principal's Message

To our College Community,
Wow, we are almost at the end of Term 2, just one week to go! What a magnificent term it has been, we have done and achieved so much….
It has been an action-packed term with lots and lots on. Some of the many events have been:
- Cross Country - local and regional events
- Gippsland Interschool Clay target shooting
- Merimbula Jazz Festival
- East Gippsland Badminton, Hockey, Table Tennis and Basketball and many more…
- Outdoor Education excursions – Hiking near the Mitchell River, Buchan climbing, Omeo Mountain biking
- Reconciliation Week Assemblies and activities
- Year 7, 2025 Information evening
- Athletics Carnival
Congratulations to our students, staff, parent and carers who have supported all these events. It has been a community effort and is worth celebrating.
This term we are working with students and families to help them with subject selections for 2025 and identify possible pathways after their secondary education ends.
Our Year 9 students commenced the Morrisby program. Students undertake an aptitude test and a multiple-choice questionnaire. This then produces an individual student profile. This profile is then used during a careers counselling interview with a Morrisby Career Profiler to explore future career opportunities. This year we have seen our highest ever numbers of parents attending these sessions. Well done to everyone involved in this invaluable process.
Year 10 to 12 2025 students and families have participated in Course Counselling and Subject Selection Conferences for 2025 with senior hub staff to discuss their subject selections for 2025. We have seen all our meetings fully booked! This was a great opportunity for students, parents/carers and senior hub staff to discuss future pathways and subjects that will support their future aspirations. We have been blown away by the number of families that have attended these sessions, we thank you for the continued support of your students education.
This week our students who are currently studying a VCE subject or participating in the VM program sat the GAT. The GAT is the General Achievement Test. The GAT assesses skills in Mathematics, Science, Technology, Arts and Humanities. Congratulations to our students who sat this test and the staff who supported this day. It was a big day for all involved and we could not be prouder of our students and the manner in which they conducted themselves.
Student Representative Council (SRC)
Our SRC met this week. This group of student leaders is a voice for all students at our College and they are doing an amazing job. Our College Captains set the agenda and chaired the meeting. We are seeing some great ideas come from this group of students. They are doing their student cohort proud and providing a strong voice, which is delivered to our College Leadership team and School Council.
Next week I will be away from the College. Jacqui Telford will be the Acting Principal during my absence.
I look forward to seeing everyone again at the start of Term 3.
Kindest regards,
Tony Roberts