Student Voice
Student Voice : Springvale Campus
They say time flies when you are having fun, well this term has certainly flown by!
This term has been JAM PACKED with LOADS of fun and exciting adventures all the way from the FLC to the SLC. We would need pages and pages to share all of this term’s highlights - But we will keep this short, sharp and shiny by sharing the most recent ones!
Refugee Week
We can’t believe that the term has flown by so quickly, with special event after special event! One of the most recent celebrations we have had was Refugee Week. Refugee week is an annual celebration to honour refugees around the globe. Refugee week celebrates the strength and courage of people who have fled from their own country due to the conflicts that are happening in their own country. Now, let’s take a recap of Refugee Week! To start off, all the learning centres had special visitors who shared their personal journeys. The SLC was delighted to hear a story told by Mrs. Karup about her journey from her home country all the way to Australia! It was so interesting and inspiring to hear about her journey!
We would like to thank Mrs. Karup for using her valuable time to come to the SLC space and share her very own refugee experience with us!
Next up, every learning centre read their own books about different refugee experiences to learn more about Refugee Week. One of the books that the SLC read was, “The Little Refugee” by Anh Do! All learning centres had the chance to create their own speech bubbles with “Hello” written in different languages. It was lovely to see all the learning centres engaging in different activities to learn more about Refugee Week.
Student Led Conferences / Parent Teacher Interviews
In the final week of school, we had our Student Led Conferences (Three-way Interviews). It was an opportunity for the students to share their proudest learning achievements with their parents /carers and celebrate their accomplishments. The SLC consistently and actively participated in both the planning and presenting stage. They enjoyed having a choice in what they’d like to showcase. The students displayed an exceptional job of being responsible and demonstrated that they can talk about their achievements in front of other people. It was great to see all the parents and guardians hear about the students' growth. The SLC did a magnificent job during the student-led conferences. Congratulations to all the SLC students on their success this term!
Winter Sports - The Grand Finals
During week 10, we had our highly anticipated interschool sport Grand Final. Netball A and Soccer had the chance to compete against Heights Campus, while Netball B team played against Lighthouse Christian College. Everyone had worked hard to make it up to this point with Netball A and B as well as Heights Campus Soccer winning almost every match. The matches were intense as both teams played extremely well. The AFL and Sofcrosse cheer squad were very encouraging, always keeping everyone going even when we were losing. During the match every team showed Collaboration, Respect, Resilience and Excellence which was a pleasure to watch. Both Netball teams tried their hardest and gave it their all and luckily for them, they both managed to win. Soccer were determined to win and it was very close, but unfortunately they could not make it to the zone final. But in everyone's eyes, all teams were winners!
Congratulations to everybody for doing an amazing job at achieving their learning goals. We hope everyone has a great 2 weeks of holidays before you come back to be astonished by everything we have planned in Term 3. The SLC will be having their first match of Interschool Sports for Summer sports on August 2nd with both Netball teams from Springvale Campus going to Zone Finals, we wish them luck! Another exciting thing we have coming up is Book Week, which will be in August.
Just a final friendly reminder, Monday, July 15th is Curriculum Day, so you’ll be able to sleep in for one extra day! How exciting!
Springvale Campus School Captains and Prefect