From the Principal's Desk

Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)

During last week’s Staff Forum, the staff at Springvale Rise engaged with the draft version of the school’s Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). All staff participated in learning, audited our current practices, and acknowledged key actions committed to as part of our reconciliation journey at Springvale Rise Primary School. The finalised RAP will be shared with the school community later this year. We are committed to learning and growing together.


Mid-Year Reports and Interviews

On Monday 24th June, the Semester 1 reports were made available via Compass.  Parents and carers had the opportunity to discuss their child's/children’s progress during Parent Teacher Interviews on Wednesday 26th June and celebrate student achievements during the first half of the school year.  It was great to have so many parents/carers join us, we appreciate you taking the time to discuss your child’s learning progress. If you were unable to attend your scheduled Parent Teacher Interview, please call the office on 9546 9604 to reschedule. 

We were impressed to see so many parents book their interview via the Compass App. Did you know that you can now record student absences via the Compass App? If you would like support with learning how, please come to the front office or Community Hub and we can help you!





End of Term Two

As the term comes to an end, I would like to thank our entire school community for a fabulous Term Two.  It has been such a wonderful term, and I feel very proud to work in an inclusive and respectful learning environment where students are consistently encouraged to achieve and celebrate their personal best. 


Enjoy the school holidays, take care and stay warm! 





Carly Jamar

Acting Principal