School of the Good Shepherd Olympic Week

Monday 29th July to Friday 2nd August


The Olympics are steeped in history, with a legacy that dates back to ancient Greece. The Olympic Games are a global event that holds significant importance across various dimensions including sport, culture and world relations. It brings together athletes and spectators from around the world, fostering a sense of global community that helps promote understanding and appreciation of different cultures and traditions. The Olympics also showcases the highest level of athletic achievement in both young and experienced athletes, to pursue excellence in their sporting field. The Olympics also provides a platform for athletes with disabilities, through the Paralympic Games. The Olympics serve as a powerful symbol of what humanity can achieve when people from different nations and cultures come together in the spirit of peace and friendly competition.


Students at School of the Good Shepherd will be participating in a fun-filled week, engaging in Olympic themed activities and earning points throughout the week, culminating in a House Shield presented at the Closing Ceremony on Friday 2nd August. 


Students will still have their specialist classes as per normal, with some slight variations for the week. The week looks as follows (please note important information highlighted):


29th July 

Opening Ceremony - We will begin with an Opening Ceremony that will take place on the Tiger Turf (weather permitting) at 9:10am. This will be a short ceremony, including a torch relay, to mark the beginning of our Olympic Week. EVERYONE IS WELCOME.

  • Students will engage in Olympic Themed activities for the remainder of the day

Tuesday   30th July

  • Students will engage in Olympic Themed activities for the day

Wednesday 31st July

  • Students will engage in Olympic Themed activities for the day
  • Grade 3 - Music Incursion 11:50am - 1:50pm

Thursday         1st August

Tabloid Sports Dayall students to wear their sports uniform for the day

  • Grade 4 - Music Incursion 9:00am - 11:00am
  • Students will engage in Olympic Themed activities for the remainder of the day

Friday         2nd August

Dress up day - Olympic themed - let your imaginations run wild! The students could come dressed in green and gold, in the colours of a country of their choice, an athlete from any of the Olympic sports, the Olympic torch, the Olympic rings; the choice is yours!


Closing Ceremony - The week will culminate with a Closing Ceremony that will take place on the Tiger Turf (weather permitting) at 9:10am. We will have a parade to show off our wonderful costumes, share some work, and present our House Shield. EVERYONE IS WELCOME.

  • Students will engage in Olympic Themed activities for the remainder of the day


Thank you for continued support and we look forward to an exciting week ahead,


The SoGS Olympic Committee



                              Curriculum Overviews

On Friday, 19th July, Term 3 Curriculum Overviews were sent home, along with a letter explaining their purpose, via Seesaw. These overviews provide a summary of the learning that will take place throughout the term in each year level. They are designed to give families an outline of the topics that will be covered, some of the learning tasks that have been planned and a few highlights that teachers and students can look forward to in the coming weeks. 


We hope that the overviews will spark some conversations about your child's learning and that families feel informed about the teaching and learning opportunities that are planned for Term 3. As always, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions regarding the overviews.