Term 1 Secondary Sport

Term 1 Middle and Senior School (Years 7-12) Sport

The following sports are on offer for Term 1. Students are asked to sign up by Thursday 6 Feb so that further information can be sent out to parents via Operoo. We ask that students and parents either Accept or Decline the commitment form sent on Operoo by the due date of 12 February so that teams can be entered.


The School is using a system called Clipboard for sign ups. The instructions for students are available at the following link.



You will need to use your Google login details to access the Term 1 Sign up form using the following link.




Or copy /paste the following web address into your browser.

Make sure once you have selected your activity that you Go to Cart - click check out now.


SSATIS Athletics Squad 2025

Sign ups are available on Clipboard for selection in SSATIS and SATIS athletics teams. Should there be events where there are several nominations, trials will be held later in February. Final selection for positions will be held later in February BEFORE the 7-12 House Athletics carnival.

SSATIS at the Domain - Tuesday 11 March

SATIS at St Leonards, Launceston - Thursday 25 March


Please note: whilst the School will endeavour to provide opportunities for students to participate in the sport(s) of their choice, this is dependent on there being sufficient numbers and parent supervisors to make up viable teams.


View the 2025 Sports on offer here

Basketball Boys Years 7/8

Matches: Thursdays at 4:00pm, 4:15pm or 5:00pm

Season: 20 February to 3 April

Venue(s): Home games are played at the Revell Sports Centre with away games at other SSATIS schools in the greater Hobart area

Uniform: $10 numbered top, $45 shorts. For details and to purchase, click here

Skill level required: Beginner - Experienced

Transport: Parents are responsible for transporting their own child

Training schedule: 7.30am Tuesdays in the Revell Sports Centre

Sign-up: Students only to sign-up using Clipboard - see instructions at top of page

Costs: apart from uniform, there are no additional costs

Contact: Georgia Bentley


All information can be found here.


Once teams are finalised, rosters and ladders can be viewed at: 

http://www.satis.com.au/sports/basketball/ (click Southern SATIS tab)

Basketball Boys Years 9/10

Matches: Wednesday afternoons at either 4:00pm, 4:15pm or 5:00pm

Season: 19 February to 2 April

Venue(s): The Revell Sports Centre for home games and various SSATIS school courts in the Greater Hobart area for away games

Uniform: $10 numbered top, $45 shorts. For details and to purchase, click here

Skill level required: Beginner - Experienced

Transport: Parents are responsible for transporting their own child

Training schedule: Training will be at a time to be negotiated once teams are organised

Sign-up: Students only to sign-up using Clipboard - see instructions at top of page

Costs: apart from uniform, there are no additional costs

Contact: Adam Blackburn


All information can be found here.


Once teams are finalised, rosters and ladders can be viewed at: 

http://www.satis.com.au/sports/basketball/ (click Southern SATIS tab)

Basketball Boys 1sts/2nd Grade

Matches: Tuesday afternoons either at 4.15pm or 5.00pm

Season: 18 February to 25 March

Venue(s):  Games will be played at various school courts in the greater Hobart area

Uniform: $10 numbered top, $45 shorts. For details and to purchase, click here

Skill level required: Intermediate - Experienced

Transport: Parents are responsible for transporting their own child

Training schedule: Fridays after school at The Revell Sports Centre

Sign-up: Students only to sign-up using Clipboard - see instructions at top of page

Costs: apart from uniform, there are no additional costs

Coach: Ronnel Riggs, Contact: Lynne Males


All information can be found here.


Students are encouraged to check the SATIS website for rosters and ladders once they become available.  http://www.satis.com.au/sports/basketball/ (click the Southern SATIS tab)

Basketball Girls 1sts/2nd Grade

Matches: Wednesday afternoons either at 4:00pm, 4:15pm or 5.00pm

Season: 19 February to 2 April 

Venue(s): Games will be played at the Revell Sports Centre for home games and various Southern SATIS Schools in the greater Hobart area for away games

Uniform: $10 numbered top, $45 shorts. For details and to purchase, click here

Skill level required: Intermediate - Experienced

Transport: Parents are responsible for transporting their own child

Training schedule: TBA

Sign-up: Students only to sign-up using Clipboard - see instructions at top of page

Costs: $10 numbered top, $45 shorts. For details and to purchase, click here

Contact: Lynne Males


All information can be found here.


Once team nominations are confirmed, SSATIS will distribute rosters with match times. The school will distribute it to players as soon as we receive details. Rosters may be viewed online from the SSATIS website: .http://www.satis.com.au/sports/basketball/ (click the Southern SATIS tab)

Orienteering Years 7-12

Season: The Term 1 Southern Tasmanian Autumn Twilight series runs from Wednesday, 26 February until 2 April

Venue(s):  Events are held every Wednesday afternoon at the venues indicated below.

26 Feb - Lambert Park/Hutchins

5 March - Kangaroo Bay

12 March - Kingston High

19 March - Queens Domain     

26 March - Wentworth Park  

2 April - Waterworks

6 April - Tas Schools Champs at Oatlands (for those interested)

Uniform: Sports uniform. Students who do not wear the correct Friends’ Sports uniform will not be allowed to participate.

Skill level required: Beginner - Experienced

Transport: Friends’ students leave school at approximately 3.35pm and choose their own start time up until 5.30pm. Students can leave the event as soon as they have finished and notified the weekly manager; at the very latest, they need to be collected by 6pm

Training schedule: N/A

Sign-up: Students only to sign-up using Clipboard - see instructions at top of page

Costs: The uniform and/or other equipment required for this activity are sports uniform, a whistle and a P card.  The P card will be available for purchase via Tas Orienteering for $22.  If a student already has a P card, please enter the P card number in the section “other information”. 

Contact: Jules Farmery


All information can be found here.


The Tas Orienteering website http://tasorienteering.asn.au provides further information on events and results. See also https://www.tasorienteering.asn.au/events/event-calendar (includes maps of locations).


Rowing 7-12

Beginner - Experienced

training on webpage 





Skill level required: 


Training schedule: 



Coach: , Contact: 


Sailing 7-12

Beginner - Experienced

Wednesday after school actual event





Skill level required: 


Training schedule: 



Coach: , Contact: 


SATIS Athletics 7-12  25 March


SSATIS Athletics 11 March


Soccer Girls 7/8

training mondays and matches wendesdays

Beginner - Experienced





Skill level required: 


Training schedule: 



Coach: , Contact: 


Soccer Girls 9/10

Year 9 training mondays, year 10 training lunch?

Beginner - Experienced

game on tuesdays





Skill level required: 


Training schedule: 



Coach: , Contact: 


Tennis Boys (3rd grade)

playing wednesday afternoon and training wendesay mornings

Beginner - Intermediate





Skill level required: 


Training schedule: 



Coach: , Contact: 


Tennis Boys (2nd and 1st grade)

intermediate - experienced

1st grade tuesday game and 2nd grade wednedays - playing

training is wednesday mornings





Skill level required: 


Training schedule: 



Coach: , Contact: 


Tennis Girls 1sts & 2nds

thursday games and training in morning

intermediate - experienced





Skill level required: 


Training schedule: 



Coach: , Contact: 


Volleyball Girls 9-12

monday games after school and training P5

Beginner - Experienced





Skill level required: 


Training schedule: 



Coach: , Contact: