Student Awards

Hooper (JLC/Prep) for your efforts and perseverance with your pencil grip and handwriting.
Luca (JLC/1) for your amazing efforts with demonstrating resilience and making good choices.
Ben E (MLC/3) for writing a wonderful explanation report on the "Lifecycle of a Frog". You researched your topic very well and included many interesting facts. Great effort Ben!
Rachael (MLC/4) for diligently completing all learning tasks and homework to a high standard. A fantastic effort Rachael!
Monica (SLC/5) for showing great responsibility and initiative in looking after our class pet.
Lucas (SLC/5) for always working hard in his learning and being a responsible member of our class.
and finally to....
SLC-C for welcoming different teachers over a difficult few weeks and keeping on track with your learning journey. Thank you!