Important Dates

Some Key Dates for 2024
Term 2
Friday 14th June - Wednesday 26th June
Lamont Book Fair
Sunday 16th June
Holy Saviour Parish - Throne of Games
Tuesday 18th June
School Tour, 9.30am
Wednesday 19th June
SLC-C Assembly
Thursday 20th June
CEO Sleepout
Friday 21st June
Celebration of Learning, 9-10am
Semester 1 Reports
Tuesday 25th June
Hot Food Day
Parent / Teacher Interviews
Wednesday 26th June
Parent / Teacher Interviews
Friday 28th June
End of term 2, 1pm
Looking Ahead...
Monday 15th July
Term 3 starts
Tuesday 23rd July
SAC meeting
Wednesday 31st July
Emmaus Junior School Presentation & Sausage Sizzle
Thursday 1st August
100 days of Prep
Wednesday 21st August
Book Week Dress Up Day