Focus on Learning


On the 22nd of May, Kindergarten, Year 1 & 2, walked to the local Quirindi Library for the National Simultaneous Storytime 2024, to listen to the author Aura Parker read the children's picture book Bowerbird Blues. Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously in libraries, schools, pre-schools, childcare centres, family homes, bookshops and many other places around the country. After listening to the story we were lucky enough to complete an activity prepared by the lovely librarian's. 


During our Maths lessons we have been investigating area. To do this we have compared two objects to find out which one has a larger or smaller area. We compared the area of two leaves, one smaller and one larger. 

We are now looking at adding numbers together. Our learning intention is 'to model (show) addition by combining (adding together) collections (groups, objects) to find a total amount. We have used Numicon, number lines, counters, tens frames and drawings to find a total amount. 


Kindergarten have loved having Miss Caterer teach music. This week we wrote our own song and then used a  Glockenspiel to perform it.