General News 

Mrs Kate Thompson and Mrs Tracey Klitsch


   School TV , Facebook  links below 

Dental Visit

Last week we sent home dental visit forms with each child. We need you to fill these in and return them to school by the end of this week please.  If you need a new form please email and we will send a new form home. 

The activities levy of $70/student needs be paid in full by Monday, 24th June 2024.  

Please notify the school by email before 2pm of your child's travel changes. 

If you have concerns about your child, please email their teacher directly. It is not correct protocol for parents to ask support staff to pass on messages about a 

child's behaviour etc .

Our new attendance processes mean you will also receive an email each day for 7 days to remind you to explain your child's absence as this is a legal requirement.  

If you drop your child off at school after 8:50am and you don't come in to the office to sign them in, this will be an unexplained absence. They will be marked as present from the time they walk through the front gate but there will be that timeframe that is unexplained.

If your child cannot attend an event, please select the decline option just so that we know the permission has not been missed.

Week 7 - Sports uniform on Wednesday and Friday please


Music with Hannah Caterer


Athletics Practice - Sports Uniform


Open Morning for new enrolments 9am - 10am

Eastside Visit from 10:00 -11:30


Soccer - Sports uniform

Dental visit forms are due

Week 8 - Sports uniform on Wednesday and Friday please


RE Test for Year 6 students

Enrolling Now

We are holding our second Open Morning on June 13th from 9 - 10am. Please encourage your friends and relatives to Come!  Share the Spirit!


Return and earn is back on Wednesdays