Upcoming Events 


Term 2

28th June - Last Day of Term 2 - Students finish at 2.20pm

Term 3

15th July - First Day of Term 3

19th July - BYOD Parent Cyber Safety Session

22nd July - Year 5 Camp

1st August - Sunsmart Policy Takes Effect - Students Must Wear Hat

1st August - Year 3 - 6 Athletics Carnival

5th August - Scholastic Book Fair 

8th August - Year 2 Mini Olympics Incursion

14th August - Author Visit - Coral Vass

19th August - Book Week

20th August - Book Week Dress Up Day

20th September - Last Day of Term 3 - Students finish at 2.20pm


This calendar is subject to change


Please note that in some cases we may need to change the date or time of an event. Please continue to check Compass for updates. If you would like any further information, please contact your child's teacher through Compass. 


Kingswood Online 


• Website:


• Compass:


• Quickcliq - second-hand uniforms


• Kingswood Primary Public page:


• Kingswood Primary Instagram:


• Kingswood SAKG :
