
Aaron Cox
As this has been the coldest winter in some years, I am excited for those heading to warmer weather. For those remaining in Melbourne, we are always blessed with a plethora of things we can do to keep busy. For those with limited time to consider options, please remember our TeamKids program offers numerous incursions and excursions over the holiday period. Please feel free to follow Kingswood’s program at:
We wish Mr Teizo Kato all the best as he gets married in Okinawa over the break. Mr Jordan Beck and Ms Sarah Rohan will welcome their 1st children into the world and other staff will be planning upcoming weddings. We have had a great 1st half of the year and it really has been a pleasure working at Kingswood. We will encounter workforce issues in preparation for 2025, but we will have plans put in place well before then to deal with these issues.
Please stay safe over the break and we look forward to seeing everyone in a few weeks refreshed and ready for a busy Term 3 that will culminate in a few celebratory activities at the end of Term 3.
Sawayne Basketball - A place to shine
Sawayne (Year 6) made Australia and Kingswood proud in the international basketball arena. Sawayne's tournament was held in Puigcerdà, Spain. He was part of a Travel Team. As there were 14 children from other countries, they had 2 teams.
Sawayne's team was unbeaten all the way into the Grand Final, but unfortunately they lost by 9 points to the other Travel Team. Sawayne made lot of friends and enjoyed the whole experience of playing basketball ball with kids from other countries (without even practicing together at all!). Sawayne was proud to represent Australia in the tournament in Spain.
Sawayne made Australia and Kingswood proud in the international arena.
Tess Super Speak Achievement Award - A place to shine
A big congratulations to Tess (Year 3) on receiving the 'Super Speak Achievement Award'.
This award is presented to students who have completed 2.5 years of Public Speaking & Communication Skills training at Super Speak (equivalent to 100 hours) and presented 15 formal solo speeches.
We are very proud of Tess' achievement!
Expo Day - Connected to community
Expo Day was a huge success with many parents attending. Time got away from me and I didn’t manage to get around to all year levels because I was too busy dancing with the Year 1's. Oops!
Thank you to Parent Association for putting on the free BBQ for adults only. Thank you to all those parents that supported the school’s position that it would be unfair for some children to be given sausages at the expense of those that didn’t have parents there. That shared understanding was greatly appreciated.
Kingswood Camping Program Parent Feedback - Connected to community
Kingswood will evaluate feedback for camps from parents at the beginning of Term 3. Regardless of any potential upcoming changes, Year 6 Canberra camp will not be impacted and we expect to go to Canberra for years to come. Additionally, our bi-annual trip to Japan will continue for as long as we can meet department guidelines.
Q and A with Principal Class Each Fortnight - Connected to community
As part of our efforts to be open and transparent with our parent community, we are introducing short community sessions in the foyer of the gym prior to each Friday assembly. Free coffee will be available for attending parents. Sessions will start from 2.20pm until assembly begins.