From the Principal's Desk

Welcome to Week 8

Hello all and welcome to another fantastic week at Rocky River! I had the pleasure of working with all students across the school last week as teachers dedicated some additional time to writing student reports. It has been wonderful to see how individual students learn and work with their classmates. I was impressed to see some fantastic informative writing on the corroboree frog in the Lower Division, and some intriguing creative writing pieces in the Upper Division class. I have been impressed with students' prompt arrival at morning assembly and how quickly everyone is getting back to their rooms, showing they are ready to learn, after the recess and lunch bell. Thank you to everyone's efforts, I look forward to seeing such focus and perseverance continue during the last few weeks of term!

Pyjama Mufti Day

I am pleased to announce last Friday we raised $52 for Carrie's Beanies4Brain Cancer foundation. Everyone stayed warm and cosy in the very cold weather. Thank you to all of the students and families for your support and donations to this fantastic cause!

Scripture changes

Due to changed availability, we will have a new scripture teacher named Pam delivering scripture on a Friday afternoon (instead of Tuesdays). This week, Rev. Matthew Borg will attend with Pam to assist with handover. There will be a twice termly clash with the school assembly, however, we are grateful to have Pam available to Rocky River for the delivery of these lessons. Scripture will run during the following timeslots:


Lower Division: 1:50pm - 2:20pm

Upper Division: 2:20pm - 2:50pm

Student Reports

Semester 2 reports will be sent home to families in Week 10. If you wish to discuss your child's report please touch base with their teacher or drop in to see me.

Premier's Spelling Bee

We will be holding the school spelling bee next week. We can then put forward one junior and one senior student to compete in the regional final in August.

External Validation

Every 4 years, all public, high and central schools undertake an external validation. This is a process where we assess ourselves against the School Excellence Framework and provide evidence and examples to justify our assessments. The process is not an audit, rather an opportunity to reflect and make on-balance judgements about our programs and systems.  As a staff, we are all working hard on preparing our submission which will result in a panel discussion in September.  Once we have completed the process, we will have a very clear direction in creating our new school plan for the next four years.

Assembly - Friday 28th June (Week 9)

Our next assembly for Term 2 will be held next Friday 28th June from 2.15pm.  As always, we welcome all members of our school community to come along and join us. I am looking forward to seeing you all there.


There is lots of sickness spreading at the moment and we understand if your child must stay home to get better. We look forward to students attending school again when fit and ready to do so. Well done to all of the committed students and families who continue to maintain their best attendance possible at our school.

Vale Pat Philp

It was with much sadness that we recently learned of Pat's passing.  We reflect on the integral part she played as a member of the Rocky River School community and the many contributions she made to our school over the years.  


Pat volunteered her time to teach craft, run the canteen, help out with P&C fundraisers and events and there was never a P&C raffle that didn't have one of Pat's much loved crocheted rugs as a prize.


For many years the students would go on excursions to her house to view her gardens and learn about toys from days gone by.  


Pat was the 'community grandmother', students would often go to her place after school to be looked after if they weren't able to be collected from school of if they were ill  they could go to Pat's place to be looked after until they could be picked up.  Pat would step into the role as grandmother on special days if a student didn't have a family member attending, she wanted each and every student to feel valued and cared for.


Up until recently Pat never missed an opportunity to attend functions at the school and enjoyed nothing more than a cuppa and a chat with our school community. She always brought a smile to our faces and we fondly remember the time we had the NRL football guys come for a visit on their Harley Davidson's and Pat insisted on having a sit on one of the bikes and chat with the riders. 


We will miss this funny, bright and generous lady and extend our deepest sympathy to Pat's family at this difficult time.


Stay warm and safe!


Dani Clyde-Smith

Relieving Principal