Autism at Magill Schoo


We have 29 students at our school diagnosed with Autism. Through my role as Autism Inclusion Teacher, part of building student voice and agency with these students has included talking to some of them about what they would like people to know about Autism. In this article, I would like to share with you some of the quotes and questions Jessica Kalleske (when she was in the role) and myself have collected over the last couple of years.

What does Autism mean to you?

My brain is a bit different and can feel messy.


It’s not easy to do things and I need a lot of practice.


Sometimes I can over react.


I do things in different ways.


Generally, I feel feelings more.


What would you like people to know about you as an Autistic student?

It can be hard for me to focus.


I have a different perspective of everything.


It doesn’t make me weird or different. It makes me unique. We should all be treated equally.


Sometimes it can be hard for me to calm down when I am angry or upset.


Social interaction can be hard for me when having conversations and keeping up with a conversation. I have a battery that runs out and I need quiet to recharge.


Sometimes I worry about things.


What can people around you do to support and help you?

I like pictures instead of words.


I need concepts explained thoroughly because I forget things easily.


Checking in to see if I’m alright as I can get anxious.


Let me have more of a say. I have great ideas but they get stuck in my head.


Help me feel better when I feel sad.


People need to understand that when my social battery runs out I am not switching off, I just need time to recharge to get through what gets thrown at me for the rest of the day.


When these students have an opportunity to help us understand how they feel about relationships and what works for them they feel heard and empowered. Learning about Autism and neurodiversity promotes understanding and inclusion in order for them to feel supported with our school community.


With Kindness,

Lisa Williams.











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