Senior School update

It has been a busy start to Term 3 and this has set the scene for the weeks ahead.
Last term ended with a bang with our mid-year exams, followed by the Year 11 and 12 Koonung formal. The Senior School Team was extremely proud of how our students conducted themselves at both of these events. The respectful way that students behaved towards each other and their peers during the exams was a great example of excellence through endeavour in allowing each student to do their best.
Year 11 and 12 formal
The Year 11 and 12 formal was a stellar success, with my personal highlight being the spontaneous outpouring of delight when Harry and Behrad were voted as the night’s Dynamic Duo. Thank you to our student Formal committee (especially Jasmina Le and Evelyn Heath). Thank you also to Glenda Hanslow and Allana Edgell for their work in making the night a great success.
Subject selection
The first three weeks of this term saw all Year 9, 10 and 11 students go through the process of selecting subjects for next year. Thank you to all of the parents and staff who worked closely with the students to counsel, guide and discuss their selections. This leads into parent/teacher/student conferences in week five to set some goals for the rest of semester two.
The Year 10s have made a great start to this term, beginning new electives and settling into new classes with new classmates and teachers. Our Year 11s are currently well into Unit 2 and will have a better idea as to what next year will look like now that they have mostly decided which subject they will not be continuing with next year and /or which new subject or Higher Education subject they will be picking up.
As of next week, our Year 12s have less than seven weeks to go of new content in their secondary school educations and it is great to see greater numbers of them utilising the Senior Centre for quiet study during school and after. So, grab a friend or two, start a study group if you don’t have one already and schedule some time to meet up and go over past exam questions – it is one sure fire tip that will help you to improve your subject study scores.
Congratulations to Year 11 student Kyara Li Yuen Fong
Finally, one of our very own Year 11 students, Kyara Li Yuen Fong, recently travelled to Japan to represent Australia in the International Jyoshinmon Karate 55th anniversary competition. We are proud to say that Kyara won gold in her division and arrived back at Koonung with a big smile on her face. Well done Kyara!!!
Dr Michael Harte
Head of Senior School
Senior School Team
The 2024 Senior School team are your primary contact for you regarding any matters relating to your child in Years 10-11.
- Michael Harte – Head of Senior School
- Allana Edgell – Senior School Administrator
- Alistair Tuffnell – Year 10 Coordinator
- Peter Giapantzakis – Year 11 Coordinator
- Glenda Hanslow – Year 12 Coordinator
- Peter Scott – Senior School Support