Instrumental Music Program

On Wednesday 31 July, the Koonung Swing Band participated in the Victorian School's Music Festival, held at the Hawthorn Arts Centre. This was an exciting opportunity to showcase the school's musical talents, meet students from other schools, and get feedback from high-level adjudicators. The Swing Band did really well and received a gold medal award for their efforts, and our soloists were commended! It was great validation for all the hard work the students have put in over the year (including an all day rehearsal the week before).
We listened to new repertoire from other schools and received a 20-minute workshop from the adjudicators which was inspiring. Koonung's Senior Concert Band is excited to be performing at this event on the 27th of September. Congratulations Swing Band on a great result!
Reuben Legge
Instrumental Music Teacher