Senior School

Brown Paper Puppets

The Grade 5 students have been busy making brown paper puppets in Performing Arts this term. Once made, they had to 'bring the puppet to life' through the use of movement. We were very fortunate to share these with our Grade 1 buddies during the week, where the puppets swam, bowled, danced, exercised and high-fived their audience.


Immigration Inquiry

As we continue to read our class novel, Boy Overboard, the students are gaining a deeper understanding into the life of a refugee. As part of our Inquiry unit, Immigration, the students have chosen and are researching about a country whose people seek refuge in Australia. Here are a few facts we have learnt so far:

  • Myanmar used to be called Burma.
  • Buddhism is the main religion in Myanmar.
  • The average monthly salary in Myanmar is $401aud.
  • Afghanistan is a landlocked country located in Southern Asia that borders China, Iran, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.
  • Most Afghans live in rural areas.
  • Iraqis once had some of the best schools and colleges in the Arab world. That changed after the Gulf War in 1991 and the United Nations sanctions that followed. Today only about 40 percent of Iraqis can read or write.
  • Syria is home to some of the oldest cities in the world.
  • Brown bears and gray wolves are the largest carnivores that remain in Syria.

Going gaga for Gaga Ball

The Grade 5/6 students were beyond excited this week, with the addition of a Gaga Pit to the ACPS school grounds. After learning how to play Gaga Ball at a previous school camp, the competition was high throughout the week. Thanks to those students who helped teach the game to our younger students in Prep-2 during recess and lunch times and to the great sportsmanship on display.


The Big Freeze - Week 9 - Mark in your Calenders!

We will be running the Big Freeze event again this year and it will take place on Wednesday 12 June from 2pm. It promises to be bigger and better than last year, with the addition of a DUNK TANK! The more we raise, the more staff you get to dunk, kids! You can keep track of those already committed to the cause by keeping an eye on the pinboard outside the front office.

So if you are in a position to, click on the link below and donate to this very worthy charity:


A reminder that we won't see you back at school until this event, due to King's Birthday public holiday on Monday 10th June and Curriculum Day on Tuesday 11th June.


Have a great long weekend!!


Year 5/6 Team