Grade 1 and 2


On Friday 24th May 2024 the Grade 1 and 2 students of Andersons Creek Primary School went back in time to the 1900s. Everyone was dressed to the ages, looking oh so dapper and exquisite. 

When we arrived we were welcomed by Farmer Jill who guided us around the museum, artisans workshops, homestead and chapel. In the morning, we went to the Woodshed and Blacksmith's workshops. Here we learnt a lot about how they would make a range of different home items, tools etc. to help them live day to day. 

From there we went on a walking tour of the homestead and chapel. The students were set a challenge to identify two things that were missing from the homestead that they might find in their home now...Challenge accepted!! 

The two items were, electricity and 

After lunch we were set for an afternoon of activities. The students were split into three groups for three activities; crafts with Farmer Jill, school with Ma'am and outside games with

Let's here from some of the students on their experience:


'Ma'am was scary' - Fintan


This experience allowed students to gain a better insight to how life was back in the 1900's and make comparisons to their life now. We hope the students have gained a more empathetic understanding of life in the past and continue to be thankful for all we have now. 


A big thank you to our parent volunteers Nikki, Sonya and Kimberley and our preservice teacher Michele for supporting us on the day, we cannot do this without the support from our parent community. 




Enjoy the long weekend!

Miss Buzzini and Ms Zanatta



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