Congratulations to Caden H (3MH) who achieved his 5th Kyu at karate - yellow belt with black stripe.

Well done 💪🏼!


Congratulations to Cooper L (3RM) & Maddie L (5JH) for having such a successful first season of Little Aths. 


Cooper received the Greenbriar Club Managers Award for his U9 season - attending every week, doing every event with a smile on his face, and picking up 22 PBs along the way!


Maddie received 3rd place in U11 girls, and got 20 PBs for the season.


Well done 💪🏼!


If your child achieves something special (grand final win, most valuable player award, best and fairest etc.), please email me ( through photos and an overview of the achievement to post in Contact. It is important to celebrate and recognise such successes with the school community.


Anthony Beale Reserve, St Helena Road, St Helena

Choose a 45 min or 60 min Run, or a 65 minute Power Walker course. All courses are Score format, ie collect as many points as you can within the time limit. Bring a watch.


Mass start for all courses at 2.00pm. Courses close at 3.10pm. Please bring a small plate of afternoon tea to share.


On the day entry $6, or for convenience, buy a 10-event MultiPass.


Entry conditions apply. Bring your smartphone for event entry with OTrack, and MapRun use. You must provide your name and contact phone number at Registration. Please stay home if unwell.


Read the Winter Series Participant Guidelines here:


For Coming Events, Results, and Event Reports, go to




Thank you, 


Jordan Daley












Student Free Dates 2024

Term 2

17th May Curriculum Day

10th June Kings Birthday


Term 3

26th July Curriculum Day

11th September Student Agency Conferences (Variation to School Hours Day – students just attend for conference).


Term 4

4th November Curriculum Day (Assessment & Reporting)

5th November Melbourne Cup Day

19th December Professional Practice Day

Camps Sport Excursion Fund (CSEF)

School camps provide children with inspiring experiences in the great outdoors. Excursions encourage a deeper understanding of how the world works while sports teach teamwork, discipline and leadership.  All are a part of a healthy curriculum.  CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.


If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families. The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.

The annual CSEF amount per primary school student is $150.


If you received CSEF in 2023 you do not need to apply again, however if you are new to Greenhills and have a valid concession card or have an additional child (eg Prep) that commenced, please complete the attached form (available from the office too) and hand into the office with a copy of your concession card. Any queries please don’t hesitate to contact the office.  Here is the link to complete the form :




If you have a spare hour on a Wed, Thurs or Fri between 1pm and 2pm, come along and help in the canteen. There is no food preparation involved, it's very simple and the kids love seeing parents there!


You need to have completed the Volunteer Induction, and sign up through CareBookings - - access code is JGU9L.

Helpers get a canteen voucher for their kids to use for their next lunch order! 














Term 2 week 5 - Presented at assembly 24th of May, 2024.

Zac FPrep ADZac, you blow me away with the effort you put into your learning EVERY SINGLE DAY! You are a determined little learner and I want you to remember how amazing you are! Awesome work, Zac Attack!
Fred OPrep AWFor being such a kind and thoughtful class member. I am so impressed by the effort you put into every piece of work and the way you use lovely manners.
Henry BPrep SMFor the leadership you are showing in PSM. I love the way you are making good choices, encouraging others and always looking after our environment. Well done Henry!
Macie HPrep SOMacie you have made an amazing transition to being on task and ready for learnng this week. You should feel enormously proud of your efforts - we are! A true example of GRIT. 
Vivian R1BHFor the amazing effort you put into writing. I love how you were able to write a story that included a beginning, middle and an end. I am so proud of you Vivi!
Archie1JRThank you for challenging yourself through our addition lessons. I love the effort and adventure you take when solving maths problems.  
Mitch L1KOWow Mitch, we are so blown away by your focus on learning and your positivity. I have loved watching you celebrate your successes and focus on your next steps. What a learning role model you are!
Diesel2IHFor being such a great member of 2IH. I love the way that you always try your best and are kind and caring to others.
Noah L2LOFor your great addition strategies during our Maths sessions. Noah, you are doing a great job showing all of your thinking when solving addition problems. Keep up the amazing work!
Patrick B2LRFor the way you use strategies to add big numbers in your head! Your learning is being boosted by paying attention and listening and following instructions.
Ryan B3JCRyan, I am so impressed with your participation and eagerness to learn during our Reading Groups sessions. You also read fluently using expression. Keep up this amazing work!
Jax M3MHFor your wonderful reading to the class during Library, your clever contributions to class discussions, and for the enthusiasm, happiness and positivity you bring to our classroom everyday! You are awesome Jax!
Kian A3RMFor the fantastic efforts you are making with your reading. Kian reads at home every night and is in the routine of recording all about the reading in his Reading Diary. You are an inspiration to your peers. Congratulations on working so hard.
Cordelia P4DSCordie, you're doing an awesome job with your growth mindset and effort in our Maths Games Junior sessions! Your dedication and excitement help us learn together.
Jackson L 4SMFor the tremendous effort you have been putting into maths. I am so impressed with the way you have pushed yourself to learn about mixed numerals and improper fractions. I've loved watching you shine!
Eliza K4TWWell done Eliza, I'm really impressed with how you are improving with your reading. It's great to see you reading with fluency, making connection and understanding what you have read.
Kristina J5BCWell done on the brilliant effort shown in your subtraction homework, Kristina! Your hard work and enthusiasm has not gone unnoticed. Keep up the amazing work!
Lily S5LBLily, I was so proud of you during our leadership day. You showed Grit and Adventure and it was lovely to see you enjoying the activities.
Poppy F6BSFor the incredible effort you show towards everything you do! I have been blown away by the growth in your Reader's Notebook and love hearing your insightful ideas. Pop, what an absolute legend you are! 
Lilybeth B6TSLilybeth applies effort to all learning tasks and isn't afraid of taking on a challenge. I've really seen this in Maths, Lilybeth. Keep up the awesome work!