Message from the Principal 

James Penson



Thursday the 16th May is Education Support Appreciation Day. We take this opportunity to acknowledge the huge contribution that Education Support staff make to our Greenhills Primary School team.  


Thank you to our Office Admin Team:

Victoria Harris, Nicole Pearson , Kiera Roberts and Libby Egan & Karen Morrison

These are our super friendly and organised faces of our school. They are not only the first point of contact with our community but also provide our whole school community with the support and care across first aid and everything from A-Z…Accounts Payable to Zones (Prep & Year 6-7 Transition!). 


Thank you to our Classroom Support Team:

Raelene Turner, Karen Porter, Ashlee MacKinven, Emily Kandell, Sheryl Munks-Callahan, Rhoanne Salazar, Nathan Di Giuseppe, Ruby Bakkum, Melinda Williams, Alyshia Ninnes, Theresa Jordan, Lisa Emery & Tim Gorman

Our team of classroom-based Education Support personnel all work tirelessly to ensure students are given every opportunity to learn and participate with their peers. These staff make such a big impact on our students through strong connections and positive relationships.


Miriam Pekolj – Our Canteen Manager, who does a great job looking after school lunches each week. I know the Wednesday Wonders menu is a real favourite…on behalf of our hungry students a big thanks Miriam! 


Max Smith – Our busy handyman, who helps us to make sure the school is always looking so neat and safe. Max fixes and maintains our facilities, especially our gardens and playgrounds.


Thank you to all members of our Education Support team for your work to support our whole school community. We can’t thank you enough!


We welcome Dan Copping - Assistant Principal at Coburg West to our school. Dan will be working with our Principal Team over a period of 4-weeks as part of the Victorian Academy of Teaching & Leadership Unlocking Potential Principal Preparation Program. It has been a great experience so far sharing some of the elements of key improvement strategies we are working on at Greenhills whilst also learning more about the ways another school approaches things. 


At Greenhills, we know that we have significant responsibility for addressing gender-based violence in our community. The Respectful Relationships curriculum will form a key part of this across all levels of the school. We are also committed to emphasising three main messages:


It’s never OK.

Speak up, let us know, it is our job to help you.

It’s not your fault.


An example of this is when one student apologies to another as part of a restorative conversation following an incident. Often, the student accepting the apology says “that’s OK”. The language we are working to support our students needs to be much stronger e.g. “I will accept your apology, but what you did to me is not OK. Do not do it again”. Please help us with this language shift at home and together we can play our part to stop gender-based violence.


Many thanks to our awesome Parents Association team. We hope all our Greenhills mums, grandmothers and other special people enjoyed a very special day on Sunday and enjoyed one of the gifts and treats that were specially selected by our students last Friday at our stall.


A HUGE shout out to Emma Oliver and Donna Anderson and all members of our Parents Association for making events like this happen. 


If you’re interested in joining the PA, please consider coming to our next meeting on Thursday 23rd May at 7:15pm in the Staffroom. It’s a wonderful opportunity to make new friends and contribute to your child’s school community in a fun and relaxed way.


Don’t forget that next Wednesday 22nd May we have our next Mid-Term Meet with the Principal Team. This will be via Webex from 7.30pm. The sessions are held at the mid point of each term. We introduced these last year to help keep you in the loop with things that are happening across our school. They are also another forum to ask questions, provide feedback and suggestions and continue our strong home school partnership. At this meeting we will share more details about School Wide Positive Behaviour, Student Agency, Building & Grounds Projects and Student Leadership.

Here is the link:

Meeting password: greenhills 
Meeting number (access code): 2656 497 4436


James Penson 
