Please come and join KGT(Thursday 23 May), guinea pigs and yarning circle.
Please come and join KGT(Thursday 23 May), guinea pigs and yarning circle.
During our KGT environment program scheduled for every Thursday after lunch - 2.30 - 3.30pm we work together to embrace ideas and to act on initiatives that care for our school and our planet.
This is a special call out to join us on Thursday the 23rd of May when we will be preparing our vegetable gardens for planting.
We need parents to join us for as much time as you can spare. As little as 15 minutes would be a great help!
Please think about whether you could do this as part of your pick up on a Thursday afternoon.
As you can see from the pictures below we need all the help we can get!
If you are able to help please email Claire Ballot on claire.ballot@education.vic.gov.au or come to the school between 2.30 and 3.30 on Thursday the 23rd of May. Please go past the office to check in on the day. Please note you will need a working with children card to join us.
Environment News
Check out Evie's possum box below. Thank you to Evie for making this in your own time and bringing it to school.
Yarning Circle
We are very excited to have found out that we won a Woolworths Junior Landcare Grant for a Yarning Circle.
FOGO bin
Last Thursday we were very fortunate to have a visit from Boroondara Council. The visit included the delivery of our very own FOGO bin!
We are very excited about our green lid bin and will take the opportunity to make the FOGO bin an essential part of our KGT waste program.