Visual Art

What's been happening in Visual Art this week........
Lots of new and exciting projects have commenced in the art room this week. The senior area of the school have been investigating Australian painter Ken Done and have started to plan an Australian landscape influenced by his work. The students are showing particular attention to his use of bright, vibrant colours. I cannot wait to see these projects when they are finished.
Grades 3 and 4 have finished working with ceramics and the focus in 4JT during this particular lesson is to be commended. Check out the picture below. These grades have now begun working on a tribal mask collagraph using recycled materials.
Grade 1 and 2 having been investigating the relationship between colours and emotions. We spent the lesson reading a wonderful picture story book called 'Happy', by Mies Van Hout that depicts a series of fish showing different positive and negative emotions. Students then used oil pastels to create their own fish showing a particular emotion.
Foundation students have been inspired by artist Mary Blair and have used their collaging skills and knowledge of shapes to create interesting city scapes and skylines.
Artists of the Week
Congratulations to the following students for outstanding effort in Visual Art over the past couple of weeks, Heston Lloyd, Oliver Levi, Caris Cheng, Zavier Imbesi, Grace Muller and Abby Tam. These students have demonstrated outstanding attention to detail and design skills when completing their art projects.
Volunteers in the Art Room
Thank you again to the parents that were able to help out in the Art Room on Monday. Your time was greatly appreciated, and we were able to achieve so much.
If you can spare 20 minutes or longer on a Monday morning between 8.45am-11am or on a Tuesday between 2.15pm-3.30pm? I would love some assistance to help prepare materials for my weekly art lessons. Typical tasks might include cutting paper or materials, putting up displays or helping me sort out the art storeroom - no small task!
I would greatly appreciate any amount of time you can spare no matter how small. Please email me directly on or pop in and see me in the art room between Monday - Thursday.