Sport and P.E.

In the Classroom -
In the Junior School, our students have continued to develop and refine their ball handling skills over the past few weeks. Across all of our Junior classes, this has seen a focus on underarm throwing skills. Our Foundation students, who are approaching the end of this unit, will move on to overarm throwing next week, while our Year 1/2 classes have a couple of weeks ahead working on their underarm throwing technique. The wall and net sport focus of our 3-6s has also continued over the past fortnight, with a two-week focus on badminton. This looked at some of the simple skills and techniques of badminton, while also exploring the rules and strategies associated with this sport. Next week, in the final week of this unit, the Year 3-6s will be focusing on volleyball - a session that I know many of our students are very excited about!
Sporting Events -
District Cross Country -
One of my favourite sporting events of the year! Sixty BPPS students attended the District Cross Country carnival at Macleay Park on Friday 10th May and, as always, all of our students should be incredibly proud of their efforts. Every single one of our students came prepared to do their best at this event and competed their absolute hardest. Myself and the other teachers and parents in attendance were absolutely blown away by all of our amazing students! Congratulations to the students listed below, who all finished in the top 16 of their events, qualifying for Division Cross Country by doing so:
- Ben Peck - 3rd (U9/10 Boys)
- Leo Petrakis - 16th (U9/10 Boys)
- Abby Tam - 7th (U9/10 Girls)
- Lily Dixon - 16th (U11 Girls)
- Max Tam - 3rd (U12/13 Boys)
- Jackson Barr - 7th (U12/13 Boys)
- Phoenix Athanas - 9th (U12/13 Boys)
- Madeline Duong - 1st (U12/13 Girls)
- Kelly Zou - 14th (U12/13 Girls)
- Holly Pym - 15th (U12/13 Girls)
Thanks for reading!
Philip Wickham