

Trade and Tech Fit Careers Expo

On Wednesday 8th May, a group of nine Year 9, 10, and 12 students attended the Trade and Tech Fit Careers Expo in Melbourne. They travelled with other students from across the South-West. The expo aimed to inform female and gender-diverse students about career options in trades and technology.


The event featured exhibits where students could talk to professionals and engage in hands-on activities. They had the chance to lay bricks, use power tools, experience machinery, and learn about gaming and robotics. They also explored career opportunities in electrical work, essential services, and horticulture.

This experience was designed to expose students to various career paths and industries they might not have considered before. It allowed them to interact directly with professionals and gain practical insights into trade and tech fields.


The students gained some valuable knowledge about the trade and technology sectors.


This year, National Careers Week ran from 13 – 17 May and we celebrated in a variety of ways! 

We started off the week running two accredited courses to students. This was a ‘Responsible Service of Alcohol’ accredited course for our year 11 and 12 students, all 18 of who passed! Next up was a ‘Safe Food Handling’ accredited course for our year 9 and over cohort, with all 14 students in this group passing. 

Such a great opportunity for students to kickstart their career portfolios with a free course that will potentially help lead to future employment. Our thanks to RSA for Schools for running the courses and a big shout out to Moyne Shire for funding them and investing in our students!

Mid-week we ran mock interviews for our VM students, with Matt Port of the Neil Porter Legacy coming in to assist the year 12 VM students interview the year 11 VM students. Matt was extremely impressed with how seriously both interviewers and interviewees took the day – such good practice for the real deal!

Thursday saw a mentoring information session held for our year 11 and 12 VCE students run by YouThrive Victoria – a program that covers topics like managing VCE, future study, living out of home, handling stress and work. Our thanks to Jacob Dunn for coming in and sharing this program to our students, who can elect to take part in this free program. 

Throughout the week we also ran various competitions/games, including jobs that are ‘hot’ or ‘not’ and the fun ‘Match the previous careers to our teachers’. This was certainly eye-opening for some of our students, and great to see our teachers in a different light. 

We finished off the week with a special assembly and dress up day where students and staff came dressed as their future career. We had zoologists, forensic scientists, nurses, teachers and more! Our dress up winners were: Secondary - Blake Toth as a policeman, and Primary: Riley Cust as a horse trainer. Many thanks to everyone for getting into the spirit of the day and giving some thought to life after school.

Will leave you with a couple of fun career facts:

  • Our Gen Z (secondary) students are likely to have around 6 careers and 18 different jobs in their lifetime.
  • 65% of children in primary school will end up working in completely new jobs that don’t even exist yet! 



On Tuesday 14th May, as part of National Careers Week, we'll be running two free accredited courses (courtesy of Moyne Shire) for students at school - a great chance for students to get a qualification that could help them gain part time or full time work!

RSA - Responsible Service of Alcohol

9am-1pm in the GGC

Suitable for year 11 and 12s only

Approx. 10 spots available

Food Handling Course

1.30-4.30pm in the Home Eco Room

Suitable for year 9-12 students

Approx. 10 spots available

If your child hasn't already put their name down for one or both of these courses and would like to do so, please tell them to speak to me at school tomorrow (Tuesday 16 April) if possible or email: 



Our year 10s will be heading off for work experience at the end of this term (24-28 June). Now is a great time to speak to your children and get them to start thinking about where they might like to work. I really encourage them all to think big and to think outside of the jobs/businesses they know, and instead consider places where their interests lie. Encourage them to use this week to try something that they can’t do ordinarily. 


Parents don’t need to organise the placements (although, if you have a great contact somewhere, then by all means you can!). We use the SWLLEN to coordinate all student placements so they’ll do the groundwork. And they have contacts all over Victoria, so if you have a family member or friend in a larger town or city that your child can stay with, that could be a great option as there might be more or different opportunities in those towns, rather than in our local area.