Semper Sursum Awards 

Art          Jordie Alexander              Excellent work in art.

Art          Alexandra Figura              Fantastic effort in art.

1/2B       Slyvie Thomas                    Sharing her place value knowledge in maths discussions!

1/2B       Bonnie Kelly                       Using number charts to solve subtraction problems.

1/2A      Fatima Madiha                  Her excellent improvement in her reading!

1/2A      Anja Connelly                    Her excellent writing about the country being the best place to live.

STEM     1/2A                                      Excellent teamwork when completing STEM challenges.

1/2C       Ayla Whittaker                  Putting in an amazing amount of effort in all her learning.

1/2C       Matilda Brodie                  Exceeding her personal learning goals.

3/4B       Thea Hibberd                     Excellent problem solving when working with fractions in Maths.

3/4B       Hamish White                    Excellent problem solving when working with fractions in Maths.

5/6C       Van Steel                             Being resilient when faced with new challenges.

5/6C       Efrance Niyonkuru           Always being kind and considerate to others.

STEM     Alaynah Walter                 Her in-depth discussions about rusting.

STEM     Holly Davenport-Robinson           Her chocolate before and after melting picture.

Pr A        Lottie Dowsett                  Fabulous sentence writing and focus during our 5 min fix up.

Pr A        Max Gilding                        Saying the sounds and writing his words in Sounds Write. Well done!

5/6B       Austin Cunneen                Working hard to explain the themes emerging in the text Dirrarn.

5/6B       Imogen Baulch                  Making strong connections about a character’s behaviour and their culture in reading.

5/6A      Cooper White                    Using text evidence in our literacy work to share his thoughts.

5/6B       Hannah Logan                   Excellent math work explaining and justifying answers.

Pr B        Killara Austin                      Her fabulous listening and focus during “teaching”

Pr B        Tyler Onnen                       Being a great “helper” in the classroom.

1/2D      Isabella                                 Excellent ‘Splat’ Math.

1/2D      Imogen                                Show School Values.