From the Classroom - Jaymie (M5)

Gymnastics has been a huge hit for the F-2 students!
Over the last 6 weeks, students have been participating in a gymnastics program at Eureka Gymnastics. Students have enjoyed learning how to balance along the beams, climb on the bars, do forward rolls, jump along the trampoline, and swing using the rings. It has been great to see the confidence of each student grow over the course of the program. Thank you to Katherine and Miss Wood for organising it, they have thoroughly enjoyed their time!
A few highlights from some of the students in M5:
Mila- I liked doing straddle jumps on the trampoline.
Felicity- I liked the crab walk along the beams.
Liam- when I jumped on the trampoline.
Maliha- using the hoops to hang in a tuck shape.
Harlan- when I climbed all the way up the long rope.
Jack H- I liked when we did bunny hops over the crash mat.