Classroom Stars and Achievers 

Stars of the Week

Pippa B

For always showing Kindness to others (Rick D3)

Kylo M

For challenging himself during our Time unit in maths (Miss Woodfield/Miss Kennedy M1)

Levi H

For being inclusive when playing with others (Mrs Brown M2)

Archie C

For his beautiful handwriting (Claire M3)

Bailey C

For displaying our values during the Moogies performance (Miss Muller M4)

Clay D

For always giving above and beyond to help others in the classroom (Jaymie M5)


Outstanding Achievers

Axel G

For working hard in writing and publishing an information report about the Megalodon.  Well done, Axel! (Lauren B1)

Lilah H

For the excellent reading tracks you been leaving in your Reader's 

Notebook (Troy B3)

Ailish T

For showing great attention to detail in all learning areas (Jessica B5)

Zoe W

For always having a smile on your face (Mr C S1)

Eli F 

For being super studious and catching up on his work after being absent (Mrs Riddoch S2)

Ethyn C-V

For trying his best to do all of his work throughout the week (Mr Bell S4)



Sophie D M3

For improving her abilities to jump and land safely in gymnastics (Katherine/Miss Wood Physical Education)

Jesse D M2

For contributing some excellent knowledge to our discussion in gymnastics 

last week (Katherine/Miss Wood Physical Education)


For their persistence when practising a new music piece on the instruments (Mrs Duke Performing Arts)


For co-operating well during our STEM experiment (Mr Brown STEM)

Classroom Stars and Achievers (last 4 weeks)