Food Technology News

Year 7 and Year 8 Food Technology Activities for Semester 1
Year 7 & 8 Foods this year have been very busy learning new skills and recipes.
Each week the Foods rooms are abuzz with activity that makes any noses walking nearby wish they were in there sampling the wonderful food being made.
First term ended with Easter cooking. The Year 7s made Easter cupcakes and the Year 8s made chocolate biscuit egg yo-yos.
Year 7s have also been learning how to have a healthy balanced diet using the Australian guide to healthy eating plate and making recipes that are simple to make at home that help them achieve this.
Year 8 has concentrated on a theme of bush foods and the development of indigenous cooking into modern Food recipes along with learning many cooking preparation terms that help them become true chefs modifying and creating their own final products presentation.
We wanted to share with you some of the highlights of the last term.
Karyn Humble
Food Technology Teacher