Principal's Report

Principal Report
An explicit focus on School Wide Positive Behaviours
Last week, I was fortunate to attend the Monash Manningham Principals’ Conference with Cameron Campbell (AP Wellbeing and Engagement) where Tom Bennett, known for his work with teachers in the UK, shared his insights and experiences with shaping behavioural norms in schools. Some of you may have seen or read one of the many interviews that he did for the Australian media whilst he was in the country. His key message is very simple, “The best schools are safe, calm and dignified”.
Given our very explicit College focus on Respect and our commitment to creating an environment where all members of our school community feel safe and cared for, much of what Bennett had to say provided confirmation that we are indeed focusing on the right things to support all of our young people to thrive. Without an emphasis on positive behaviours, learning doesn’t happen, safety is compromised and respect is absent. Positive behaviour is fundamental to Knowledge Acquisition, Creativity and Critical Thinking, Vocational Opportunity, Character and Mental Health. As a school community I am confident in asserting that we would all agree that these things are fundamental to our young people having successful futures.
At East Doncaster Secondary College, we are transparent in our expectations of students with regards to how we expect them to behave inside and outside the classroom and how we expect them to present themselves as members of our College community. These high expectations play a vital role in creating a conducive learning environment and to foster a positive atmosphere where every student and staff member feels valued and respected.
It is our belief that when students adhere to expected behaviours and norms, they are not only demonstrating respect for themselves and others, but they are also contributing to the overall success of the school community. By arriving to class on time and prepared, students show a commitment to their education and pave the way for uninterrupted learning. Wearing the correct school uniform signifies pride in one's school and promotes a sense of belonging. Being considerate of others in shared spaces cultivates empathy and social awareness; essential skills for success in both academic and professional settings. I am so proud of the young people in our school who do indeed demonstrate great care and compassion for others and who take great pride in being a member of our school community by living our College values every day.
As a College we recognise our role in ensuring students develop social-emotional skills. Utilising our College Values and behavioural expectations as a foundation, we will continue to prioritise the teaching and modelling of positive behaviours in every classroom and in all school environments. When classrooms and common areas are characterised by predictability and respect, students can fully engage with their studies and with each other. It is through explicit instruction, modelling, and reinforcement that we empower students to make responsible choices and navigate social interactions effectively.
We will continue to emphasise the behaviours we wish to see, but also acknowledge that at times we do need to apply consequences when behavioural expectations are not met. Our desire is for recognition of positive behaviours to be the norm and that when consequences are given for breaches, that this is done supportively so that lessons are learned, and better decisions are made in the future.
Your support in reinforcing College values and expectations at home greatly complements our efforts at school to ensure that our school remains “safe, calm and dignified”. Working together we can provide our students with the necessary tools to succeed not only in their academic endeavours but also in their personal lives and in their future aspirations.
City Experience
Our City Experience program was held last week for students in 9G-9L. Once again it was a resounding success with students being challenged to expand their knowledge of the City of Melbourne and the many interesting and important places it contains in a manner that helped to develop their independence and sense of self-responsibility. It was wonderful to see our students assembled bright and early on the Monday morning, full of energy and excitement for the week ahead. This group were fortunate to start their week with a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony delivered by Wurundjeri elder Perry Wandin who helped our students gain further understanding about First Nations Peoples as he shared his family’s history and welcomed us to the Wurundjeri Land we would be exploring during the week in the city.
The week in the city began with all students participating in an Amazing Race. The competitive yet friendly nature of our students was on full display as we witnessed them race from one checkpoint to the next in their quest to be the winning team. Throughout the week students also visited the Sea Life display at the Melbourne Aquarium, the Old Magistrates Court, The Royal Botanic Gardens, The Shrine of Remembrance, The MCG, Old Melbourne Gaol, City Watch-House, the Koorie Heritage Tour and the Queen Victoria Market.
Whilst navigating tram trips around the city and walking some unfamiliar streets, students enjoyed exploring new settings and developed confidence in their ability to successfully operate in the wider community. Indeed, this experience helps to foster independence in our students, something that will place them in great stead for Work Experience in Year 10.
I wish to congratulate our Year 9 students for the manner in which they represented the College in the city both last week and in week 3 for Group 1. I would also like to thank our staff members who supervised the program and Year 9 Coordinators, Giulia Catalano, Daniel Lincoln and Bec Morris, along with our Head of Middle School, Justin Bond and Middle School secretary Bree Murphy for their organisation and management of what I am sure we can all agree is a worthwhile program.
May 17 marked IDAHOBIT- The International Day Against LGBTIQA+ Discrimination. The day aims to coordinate international events that raise awareness of LGBTQIA+ rights violations and raise awareness of LGBTIQA+ rights worldwide. It is a day for an open acceptance of different self-identified expressions coming together to share pride in oneself, happiness, and love with others as participants take charge against divisiveness.
East Doncaster Secondary College chose to celebrate IDAHOBIT today in order that our whole school community could be involved. Our celebration of the day serves to reinforce our commitment to the College values of Respect, Care and Compassion and Fairness. We are proud to be a community where everyone is accepted and treated equitably and with respect regardless of gender, cultural background, religious beliefs, sexuality, race or disability. As a College, creating an environment where all students and staff feel safe, secure and welcome if of the utmost importance; celebrating days such as IDAHOBIT is crucial to this. Creating a safe and inclusive environment is critical to ensuring all students reach their full potential.
Thank you to our student leaders and to our Mental Health Practitioner, Maddie Sill, for their organisation of a range of fun activities held during lunchtime today. It was great to see so many students mark the day with face paint and glitter hairspray whilst others were enthusiastically involved in the good natured (and somewhat competitive) down ball competition. It was also heartening to see so many messages of support on the Rainbow Wall that will now go on display in our Wellbeing Hub.
Athletics Carnival
While we watched the state of the weather on Sunday night and Monday morning, keeping our fingers crossed that the rain would clear, the House Athletics Carnival was able to go ahead as planned on Monday. There were even moments throughout the day where the sun did grace us with its presence.
It was wonderful to see so many of our students enthusiastically head down to the track with the Year 12 cohort, as is tradition, dressing in a range of costumes to mark their final sports carnival at EDSC.
Congratulations to all students who participated in events on the day. Special mention and congratulations to Aakif in Year 8, Jaimee in Year 9 and Flynn in Year 12 for their record setting performances on the day.
You will find a full report from our Carnivals Coordinator, Michael James, later in this newsletter.
Victorian Global Learning Awards
The annual Victorian Global Learning Awards celebrate international student excellence and recognise schools and homestay families for outstanding global learning and engagement. The awards are open to all Victorian Year 11 and 12 international school students, government and non-government schools and their homestay families.
I am very proud to share with our school community that two of our students who completed Year 12 last year were recipients of this year’s awards.
Thadar Htet was the winner of the Resilience and Innovation Award.
Hao Ting (Priscilla) Leung was the winner of the Global Citizenship Award
Both Thadar and Priscilla are incredibly worthy recipients of these awards with both young women contributing a great deal to the International Student Program at EDSC as well as to the wider College community.
I would also like to warmly congratulate Graham Clarke and Cindy Zhu who received the Homestay Family of the Year Commendation award. Supportive homestay families are a crucial element in the achievement of successful outcomes for international students. We certainly thank Graham and Cindy for the truly important role that they play.
Education Support Staff
It was Educational Support Staff Day on Thursday 16 May.
To mark this day and as a tribute to all our Education Support staff, we celebrated with a morning tea in our Library.
This occasion was a great opportunity to thank the staff who quietly, efficiently and collaboratively ensure that the College functions smoothly and provide support to staff and students alike.
Our ES staff are a valued part of our College community and take enormous pride in the work that they do and the role they play in improving student outcomes and engagement.
Thanks to our Education Support staff!
50th Anniversary Concert
We are excited for our upcoming 50th Anniversary Concert. Taking place on Thursday 30 May, the evening will celebrate 50 years of the performing arts at EDSC with past and present students performing. We look forward to sharing this sold out event with both past and present members of our school community.
Exam Period
A reminder that the Semester 1 Exam period will commence in week 8 of this term on Monday 3 June. Exam timetables will be published for all students on Compass within the next couple of weeks.
Year 11 Exams will be conducted from June 3 - 14 .
Please note a slight change to the Year 10 Exams. They will now be conducted from June 7-14.
Year 9 Maths and English exams will be conducted on Monday June 17
As communicated in the last newsletter, the GAT (General Achievement Test), will this year be conducted on Tuesday 18 June at 9:00 am for all students completing a Unit 3/4 VCE subject and for senior Vocational Major students.
I encourage all students to carefully consider the management of their study habits over this period. Stress and anxiety that some students feel can be alleviated with a healthy approach. Utilising the advice and support from teachers can help students focus on the rights things in preparation for upcoming exams. Taking breaks, spending time with family and continuing with sporting and social activities are all important to maintaining a healthy schedule during this time.
I wish all students undertaking exams well.
Karen Boyle
Photographing, Filming and Recording students at East Doncaster Secondary College - Annual Consent Form and Collection Notice 2024
During the school year, there are typically many occasions and events where school staff may photograph or film students participating in school activities and events. These images are used for a variety of purposes including the school newsletters, (for example, of classroom activities or camps and excursions and events), Compass News Feeds, student identification, College magazine and display in school classrooms. We also arrange for official school photographs to be taken at the start of each year, including a class composite photo which is available for parents to order.
We ask that all parents please refer to the attached Annual Consent Form and Collection Notice.
Parents or carers can withdraw consent for their child to be photographed or filmed by completing the form on the Annual Consent Form and Collection Notice and returning it to Reception or via email