Student Awards

Students of the Week

Alara O, PC -  for consistently being an incredible role model for your classmates. We are so lucky to have you in PC! You are a superstar Alara!


Jonah J, 6D - for the respect and empathy he always has for other people and for the excellent effort he puts in with all his work.



Jesse J, 2C -  For being honest, empathetic, resilient, responsible, respectful, and for showing authenticity. You are a shining example of these qualities in our class. Keep it up! 


Nina S, 6A - for approaching every task with enthusiasm and a growth mindset. You’re a star, Nina.


Green HERRRBY Award

Emilie C, 1B - for always ensuring her lunch box is free of rubbish. Thanks for looking out for the environment.


Benji, K PA -  for your kind, calm, and caring attitude you show towards everybody. Prep A is so lucky to have you!


Emi M, PA -  for always choosing kindness and listening attentively to others. What a superstar!


Ayli K, PB - for showing persistence to improve your reading and writing skills. Your number work is Super impressive! You can do it!


Sylvie S, PB - for being a Superstar listener and learner in Prep B! We love watching you grow and do your best work! Fabulous effort. 


Jack P, PC -  for creating sentences that have a noun and a verb as well as expanding those sentences by adding when and where. You are amazing!


Olivia K, 1A - for her concentration while writing an outstanding procedural text about brushing teeth using bossy verbs and concise instructions. You are a star!


Lily W, 1B -  for exceptional use of adjectives to make your writing more detailed and descriptive. Great work!


Joel S, 1C -  For his outstanding work in maths. You created so many clever coin combinations to make large amounts of money. 


Mia R, 1D -  For being an empathetic and respectful friend to all her classmates.  Amazing job Mia.  Keep being you!


Chloe A, 2A -  for being a kind and courteous classmate that is an absolute joy to have in the classroom!


Dorian M, 2B - for his lovely manners and for making me feel so welcome in 2B!


Ella T, 3A -  For consistently producing work to a high standard. You’re a star! 


Shoshi G, 3B - For the resilience and positivity she shows every day. You are a star!


Ava B, 3C - for her work ethic and perseverance in Maths clinics. Be proud of your effort and achievement Ava!


Charlie A, 4A - for being a kind and conscientious student that gives his all everyday! Keep it up  Charlie.


Nadav R, 4B - for his interesting and well thought out contributions to class discussions.


Lionel Z, 4C - for his excellent research on the capybara which he started with his group. Well done.


Piper H, 5A – For her conscientious approach to all tasks, both in the classroom and on the sports field!


Ted W, 5B - For working very diligently in class. Well done Ted!


Nina R, 5D - for being a positive and motivated class member who does everything with a smile on her face!


Alfie U, 6B - showing effort and persistence in becoming his best self. Keep up the great work.


Maisie Bavin, 6C - for her excelling debating skills in our round one of debating! Keep it up Maisie!


Japanese Ninja Star Awards 

*すばらしい です! Subarashii desu! = wonderful/ great/ fantastic


Zachary F, PC - for enthusiastically participating in all activities and showing a great understanding of Japanese. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Ellie H, 1C - for your fantastic contributions and for sharing excellent Japanese skills with her classmates during the lessons. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Liza G, 2D - for working diligently and demonstrating the HERRBY values during the Japanese lessons. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Leora N, 4A - for being enthusiastic and working hard to remember new words despite being new to Japanese. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Sadie J, 5C - for working with her best effort during the Japanese class and being an active participant. すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!


Asher K, 6B - for trying something outside of your comfort zone during the Japanese speaking time.すばらしい です! Subarashii desu!