Principal's Report

Take a bow Judi Grossbard!
On Sunday with a teaching career spanning 50 years, our esteemed and highly regarded teacher, Judi Grossbard was recognised for her outstanding commitment to Education!
Judi is an outstanding teacher in every way. She has a deep commitment and passion for teaching!
Judi’s love of her students is obvious, which is reflected in her warm, inviting, classroom environment – a place Judi calls her happy space! Children who have had the privilege of being part of Grozzy’s gang are wonderfully blessed!
As a curriculum leader, Judi has been a major driver of whole school curriculum and her vast knowledge, experience and expertise have contributed in a very large way to the excellent standards and results that Gardenvale is so proud of.
Judi has been a wonderful support to me in my role as a teacher, Assistant Principal and now Principal - her support and friendship I have appreciated greatly – Thank you Judi!
From the whole school community a huge congratulations to Judi on your 50 years in Education and the contribution and impact you have made at Gardenvale as an outstanding, passionate teacher and as a curriculum leader.
Working Bee
A huge thank you to the Year 1 and Year 5 families who braved the rather chilly weather on Sunday and came to the Working Bee and to those that made a donation. As usual lots of jobs were tackled including; leaves and weeds were cleared, areas blown and swept, grass was mowed, drinking troughs were cleaned. Courtesy of Bayside Council, Harry from Citywide, trimmed the Senior Campus bushes and took away a massive amount of green waste. It was terrific to have some of our Year 1 and 5 students come along and work alongside their parents. With two large campuses it is an enormous challenge to maintain the standard of school grounds that we want and expect. I cannot express how much we appreciate the support we receive from our school community for our working bees.
We are extremely grateful to the following school community members and families for helping to make sure both campuses look extra neat and tidy or gave a donation. Sincere apologies if your name is not on this list but we appreciate your help all the same: Steven Aronowicz, Blombery Family, Elizabeth Blunt, Luke Buzaglo, Kylie Clay, Clarke Family, Nick Edwards, Adam Fletcher, Michael Hennig, Chris Howard, Shy Jachimowicz, Lauren and Simon Jackson, Charlie and Jenny Jiang, Amber and Scott Johns, Ella Jungerth, Callum Kaka, Brett Liddell, Scott McGregor, Daniel Molnar, Anish Nagpal, Stef Perkovic, Julie Pitts, Mark and Tatiana Pointer, Sarah Raso, Dimi Sfetsas, Alana and Paul Stewart, Janelle Toomey, Michael Vardi, Mardi Wyndham, Jonathan Yap and Yi Hong Zhu.
Balaclava District Cross Country
Our 48 students that participated in the Balaclava District Cross Country did us proud with their sportsmanship, camaraderie and endeavour to do their very best! Gardenvale came in 3rd place when all the individual results were tallied. We wish Ella R, Sam K, Harriet C, Milla P, Zoe J, Charlie B, Henry M, Indie B, Nancy F and Jack G all the very best when they represent Gardenvale PS at the Beachside Division Cross Country on the 28th of May. Once again, our students did our school proud! Many thanks to Ms Travis, Nancy, Mr McCrae, Ms Houghton and to all the parents who supported the team on the day!!
Have an enjoyable week,
Janine Hall