P.E. and Sport


Across the past ten or so years while teaching Physical Education at St Joseph's School, a favourite fitness program that is always requested each year from me is my "Fitness Freaks" Program.  Running for the full year for all students from Years 3 to 6, each class takes part in a weekly session as a warmup for their usual PE lesson.  It has a duration of 10 minutes and usually consists of a combination of shuttle runs and sets of fitness reps, finishing with a plank at the end, where the class stays in the plank position until every student joins them and we start the count backwards from 10-1.  The students work so hard as a team working toward improved fitness and try so hard to get back quickly for their classsmates to not have to hold 'the plank' position for too long.  They are all remarkable to watch in the way they apply themselves!


Below is a sample of what the students may take part in from Yr 3/4 or Yr 5/6:

During each session, 10 students from both of the Yr 3/4 classes and both of the Yr 5/6 classes are awarded points for:

  • FOCUS                                                                                                                                                   

These are NOT necessarily awarded for the first finished , but this may come into the category of effort on a case by case basis where a student is working at their maximum effort. It is also awarded where a student is extremely focused in their session and are using the correct technique for each aspect of their session.  This makes the points achievable for all students and is measured according to how they are working for their individual capabilities.

Current FITNESS FREAKS Leader Board:

While we still have a long way until the end of the year, when 6 engraved medals per class will be awarded to the top point-earners at a wholeschool assembly, here are the current leadesr for each class:

Year 3/4 VS - 1st - Ivy Hower, with equal 2nd places - James Hinkley, Alex McCormack, Billy Morton and Emme Williams

Year 3/4 JL - 1st - Gus Mountain, with equal 2nd places - Otis Birch, Patrick Nash, Billie Treeby andf Isabella Willcock.

Year 5/6 A - Equal 1st - Tahlia & Matilda Cleary, with 2nd place to Evie Nibbs and 3rd places to  place to Clarke Monaghan-Clarke

Year 5/6 B - Equal 1st - Zara Hinkley, Olivia McCormack and Eric Lesniowski and 2nd place to Harriet Wills


The students work with such vigour and intensity throughout their fitness sessions each PE lesson within this program and I am so very proud of the efforts of each and every one of our students from Year 3 to 6.  Who knows who will take the lead next for each class?  It is certainly very close and a long way before the end of the challenge. 


Warm Regards,

Jenny Todd

Physical Education Specialist & Sports Coordinator
