An Engaged Learning Community

5/6 Learning Space

In the 5/6 Learning Space we have been very busy in our learning, focusing on our topic for the term, 'Balance'.

Our big question for the term's focus is 'How can we ensure a sustainable future?'

We began our unit by looking at some of the images and artwork below, watching videos and exploring key words related to sustainability. 

We then developed some wonderings about the topic to explore throughout the term...


As a part of the unit students have learned about Indigenous Australians, native Australian plants, edible insects and other ways we can live more sustainably. Currently the students are working on a project about an environmental topic of our choice.  Students have chosen to focus on the following topic areas; climate change, biodiversity loss, habitat changes or pollution.

One of the pieces of work students in 5/6 are really proud of was our information reports. 

Below are photos of just a few pieces of work and here is the link to a folder of their wonderful information reports.



Here are some more pictures... our 5/6 students reading aloud in paired reading to improve our fluency...