Principal's Page 

Dear Families,

We hosted an Information Evening for prospective families the week before last. The highlight of the evening was hearing from our school captains, Raine and Charlotte. Both girls shared what they liked about St Joseph's and their favourite memories. In summary they both shared one thing that they had to tell the families. Raine's was that there is a place for everyone here and everyone makes you feel safe. Charlotte's was that you can find a friend quickly and you will get supported with your learning. It is a great school to be at.


Reconciliation Week

We are participating in Reconciliation Week at St Joseph's to celebrate the Indigenous histories and cultures and raise awareness of some of the current issues facing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. National Reconciliation Week (NRW) happens every year from May 27 to June 3. It's about remembering two important events: the 1967 referendum and the Mabo decision. NRW is all about building good relationships between everyone in Australia, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. It's a reminder that we all need to work together to respect each other's cultures and histories. We were fortunate to have Skyla and Hudson from Living Culture at school today leading activities to increase our appreciation and understanding of Indigenous culture.

FIRE Carrier Student Leaders

Congratulations to Olivia, Evie, Hamish and Indie for being elected our 2024 FIRE Carrier Student Leaders. They have already been busy presenting a slide show they created to all students about Reconciliation Week and have planned a week full of activities. 


St Joseph's Award

Our St Joseph Award recipients last week were Gus, Matilda and Lochlan. Noah W, Willow, Chloe G and Joseph C received the award at our first assembly this term. Thank you to these students for consistently displaying our school values and being respectful, being learners and being safe.


The Fathering Project -STEM & Snags Night We look forward to dads, father figures and VIPs joining us tomorrow night at 5:00pm to work on a STEM project with their children. Research shows schools who specifically target fathers will see better outcomes for students. When fathers participate in school activities, meetings and events, children enjoy school more, are less likely to have behaviour issues and are more likely to participate in extracurricular activities. Children are also more likely to engage in school and perform better academically.


Digital Citizenship and Online safety 

Students participated in workshops last week facilitated by eSmart School Advisors from the Alannah and Madeline Foundation. During the parent workshop, it was interesting to note that students know what to do if they come across something negative online and felt safe online due to the boundaries parents put in place. Digital Citizenship refers to a way of thinking, being and acting online. The following acronym summarises expected online behaviour:







Ceramics with Jane

There are still some places available for ceramic classes this Thursday from 3.45-5.45 in the Artroom. If interested, please contact Jane


Talent Quest

Thank you to Chloe, Vesper and Indiana for organising a Talent Show to share the creative performing arts talents. Students displayed courage, perseverance and trust as they performed. Due to the high number of participants, another lunchtime will need to be found for the remaining entrants.


Walk to School & DRI Crazy Hat Day

It was wonderful to see so many students walking to school on Friday 17 and most students wearing a crazy hat created from recycled materials. We raised $93 for the Dolphin Research Institute.


The Wall Update

After three years, the area on the western side of the school will be open in the next few days, for students to use for outside learning and parents at pick-up and drop off times. The dilapidated wall has been reinforced with large steel beams hidden below a deck and cladded wall. A sink, planting boxes and seating are due in the next few weeks. Staff will be on duty before and after school in this area so we recommend students who are walking come in and leave this way to avoid cars. Please discuss with your child/children how they are getting home and what part of the school you will be collecting them from. We will send an Operoo out once the area is open.


World Bee Day

Thank you to Jane Byrne for organising activities to celebrate World Bee Day. Author of the book Bees Are Our Friends, Toni D'Alia shared her book with our junior students. Thank you to the parents who assisted with making the delicious honey joys. We still have a few World Bee Day tea towels left to sell. They are available at the office for $15. 

School Fees

A reminder that Term One and Term Two school fees are now due.


School Closure Day

There will be a School Closure Day on Friday 7 June for students. Staff will be participating in professional learning on the Religious Dimension. Monday 10 June is the King's Birthday Public Holiday.  


Enjoy the week ahead and please let me know if I can assist you and your family in any way,

