
Sarah Aynsley 

Head of Curriculum

Being prepared

A gentle reminder that all students need to be prepared for Class, ensuring they have pens, rulers, calculators, paper and charged laptops. We no longer have any supplies available to 'loan' them in the staff office.  Town run on Wednesdays is a perfect opportunity to stock up on any dwindling supplies.

ATAR Exams

Wishing our Year 11 and 12 ATAR students all the very best in their upcoming ATAR exams.


Week 6

Thursday  - English

Friday - Agricultural Science & Technology and Plant Production Systems


Week 7

Monday - Mathematics Applications

Tuesday - Agribusiness and Animal Production Systems


Note: The Recreation Centre will be out of bounds during this exam period

Year 11 Plant Production Systems

Planting has begun for our Year 11 Plant students with wheat in the ground for our fertiliser investigation. It's still dry, but our fingers are crossed for some rain and a successful trial.

Year 12 ATAR Camp

The Year 12 ATAR students attended a university and industry camp in Week 2. They visited Muchea Saleyards where the students were given a tour of the site and witnessed the cattle sale taking place that morning. They spoke with the saleyard vet David Wrighton about the animal welfare regulations implemented on site and the benefits of using electronic NLIS tags, in combination with automated yards, to improve the safety and speed of processing the livestock. We then visited the UWA campus where had a tour of the facilities and discussed the agriculture courses available to the students and entry pathways. 


On the second day, the students visited CBH in Kwinana where we received a tour of the facility including the lookout, the granary (CBH grain museum), receival points and the quality control area. After CBH, we travelled to Shade River Dairy where the students had a tour of the dairy milking shed and witnessed the milking of the cows in a herringbone dairy. The owner of Mundella Foods (Hayden Russell), also attended and together with the owner (Jeff Manning) and manager (Wayne) of the dairy, they explained the paddock to plate process involved in producing Mundella Yoghurt. The students were lucky enough to get some free samples from Mundella and to feed the baby calves. 


On the last day of the camp the students travelled back to Northam where they went on a tour of Muresk and discussed the courses available on campus. After Muresk, the students visited the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) Northam, toured the facilities and learnt about the research that the department performs, before heading home to WACoA - Cunderdin. 


Sarah Aynsley 

Head of Curriculum