Farm Enterprises

We have finished sowing canola and lupins, put in some oats and now we are busy with our barley program. The new tractor and bar are working well and we're ploughing through the seeding program and Year 12 seeding roster. We're just finishing the last run at "Meekatharra" paddock 73. We have around 700ha left, which includes the rest of our barley, wheat and finishing off with triticale around the airfield. Now we just pray and wait for rain.
Well done to all the students who are turning up on time, for their lift out to the paddock. Thank you to teachers and Trades staff for accommodating the students who are leaving your areas to drive the tractor, and many thanks to the kitchen for the paddock morning and afternoon teas!
Calving continues and we're glad to see a few wisps of green feed here and there. Students are enjoying the daily checks and watching the cuddly calves running amok or sleeping in the sunshine.
Fencing is a high priority at the moment as we try to make dry, empty paddocks "cattle resistant". The lack of feed has seen an increase of pressure on the existing fences as cows try to lean through to grab some saltbush or longer dry grass. Numerous Technical Officers are heading out with fencing gear each day, and many students are getting a chance to help out.
Lambs, lambs and more lambs! We're getting close to the Merino mobs start to lambing. It will be lovely to see the paddocks white again. The Prime Lambs are growing so quickly, they are more like teenagers now - full of cheek!
Butcher shop
Mr Jones has been busy doing what he can, working part-time in the College abattoir and butcher shop. Pigs and sheep are flying through, but as quick as the meat is in the cool room, it's whisked off to the kitchen.
General Farm students have been busy completing the flush buckets for the weigh shed in the piggery. To get the buckets to dump the correct way and to be effective in the shed, it has involved concreting and carefully placing concrete panels around the buckets with plenty of pig poo being splashed around during testing.
Daniel de Beer
Farm Manager
Kylie Iles
Assistant Farm Manager