Student Wellbeing 

Aaron Morton

Wellbeing Coordinator

As we reach the midpoint of Term Two, we reflect on some of the activities and initiatives our students have undertaken. Our school community has thrived on the values of inclusivity, growth, and wellbeing, and we are excited to share some recent highlights with you.


Last Friday, we celebrated our highly anticipated Wellbeing and Cultural Appreciation Day at WACoA Cunderdin. This event was a vibrant celebration of diversity, mental health, and cultural understanding. Students engaged in a variety of activities and workshops, exploring Indigenous perspectives, learning essential self-care strategies, and appreciating the rich cultural diversity within our school community. 

We were honoured to welcome back Lily Gresele, who delivered inspiring workshops for both boys and girls. Additionally, Headspace, Holyoake, the Cunderdin Health Nurse, and the Stephen Michael Foundation (SMF) provided invaluable insights into mental health and wellbeing. SMF’s ‘Culture Through Sport’ session and the Follow the Dream Foundation’s ‘Culture Through Art’ session were particularly enriching, offering students a dynamic blend of cultural education and creative expression. A special mention goes to our very own staff member Kate Strong, who led a ‘Movement for Wellbeing’ session, where students learned the joy and benefits of line dancing.


Our Wellbeing and Cultural Appreciation Day was more than just an event; it was an opportunity for students to relax, enjoy, and foster empathy and appreciation for diverse perspectives. We thank all parents for encouraging their children to participate and benefit from this enriching experience.

In addition to this celebration, our Growth Hunting session last Monday with Jarrod Kayler-Thomson provided students with valuable opportunities for personal and academic growth. These sessions are designed to help students identify and harness their potential in a supportive and encouraging environment.


Furthermore, we are proud to announce that all of our Year 11 students have successfully completed the Teen Mental Health First Aid course. This training equips them with the knowledge and skills to support peers experiencing mental health challenges, fostering a supportive and resilient school community.


As we move forward, we remain committed to embracing each opportunity for growth, connection, and reflection. 


Thank you for your unwavering support and partnership in nurturing the wellbeing of our students at WACoA Cunderdin.


Aaron Morton

Wellbeing Coordinator