From the Principal

Jonathon Arnott


Welcome to the halfway mark of Term 2 and the last Chatter for Autumn, where many of us currently have stiff necks as we stare up at the sky searching for the rain. 

Although the news from the weather bureau might not be positive, those things that are within our control are going very well. Student attendance across the College is the best it has been since 2020, currently sitting at an average of 92% of students attending each day. Regular attendance is still key, especially in Year 12 with so few weeks remaining, and any absence that can be avoided is sure to reduce any unnecessary stress.


Speaking of stress, there has been a large focus on mental health across the last few weeks. Students participated in the whole school Wellbeing Day on Friday 10 May with great success and were again visited by Growth Hunting for some sessions on Monday 13 May. Teen Mental Health First Aid has been delivered to our Year 11 students, and as a school we are reviewing our current Student Wellbeing Plan as we look to complement it with a Staff Wellbeing Plan. 


On the topic of Wellbeing, next week we will be saying farewell to our Positive Culture and Wellbeing Coordinator, Mr Morton. Mr Morton has quickly established relationships with all of our students and staff, and it is a shame that we did not have more time to work together. We wish Mr Morton all the best on his educational journey and look forward to introducing you to our new Positive Culture and Wellbeing Coordinator in the very near future.


As we near Sorry Day and Reconciliation Week, we find ourselves reflecting on our own practices as this is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. Our Cultural Committee are actively working on a Reconciliation Action Plan as well as reviewing how we can provide a culturally responsive learning environment. The Follow the Dream Program continues to grow and thrive, with our students joining Northam SHS, Merredin College and Central Midlands SHS for the recent Polly Farmer Follow the Dream Year 11/12 Pathways Camp to Perth. The students got to experience a number of different post school pathways and were made aware of the support networks available to them. This is a great partnership and one we will continue to promote to assist our indigenous students as they journey on their pathway to success.


Jonathon Arnott
