Assistant Principal News

Week 7 Greetings


There has been an increasing number of students and staff members being unwell across the school over the past few weeks. We love having all of our students at school, however, if your child is not feeling well, the best place for them to be is home, resting until they are well enough to come back to our classroom. Your support and understanding would be much appreciated. 現在全校を通して、体調不良の生徒や職員の数が急増しております。毎日登校できることが望ましいですが、お子様の体調がすぐれない時には、ご自宅でしっかり静養することが1番大切です。学校に戻り普段通りの活動が出来るだけ回復するまでは、ご家庭で様子を見くようご協力いただけますと幸いです。


National Simultaneous Storytime


On Wednesday 22 May at 12pm, students at our school enjoyed listening to Bowerbird Blues being read to them, along with many students across Australia. What makes it even more special for us is that this was done both in English and Japanese, which is another way to celebrate our bilingual environment. The story and illustrations are very beautiful and I joined our Y3/4A&B students to enjoyed the story. I must say I was quite moved by the whole story!! 5月22日12時に、本校の生徒達は『にわしどりのブルース』の物語の読み聞かせの時間を楽しみました。オーストラリア中の子ども達も同時にお話を聞くという、とても特別なイベントでしたが、本校ではもちろん英語と日本語でお話を聞くというさらに特別なアレンジがありました。私自身は、3・4A&Bのクラスの生徒達と一緒に物語を聞き、素敵なお話の内容に心が温まりました。



Snapshots from our classrooms


This week, I walked through our English classrooms with our Learning Specialist for Literacy-English, Miss Ryan. We started from Miss Ryan’s classroom where she showed me some of her student’s writing work. They are working on explanation text, using their word of the week, ‘dog’. Students have been also learning what nouns and adjectives are and learning to make sentences with Miss Ryan. 今週は、CPS英語科主任のライアン先生と一緒に、プレップから6年生までの英語のクラスを訪問してきました。ライアン先生のプレップの教室からの風景です。今週の単語を使って説明文についての勉強をしているプレップの生徒達は、名詞、形容詞とは何か、また文を作る練習をしています。


Our next stop was at Mrs Watt’s classroom where students were learning to ask questions about a book. Focus of learning was asking questions before, during and after reading their book and looking for clues as they read. Students came up with questions by themselves and they were using a book of their own choice. Look how engaged they are! ワッツ先生の1・2年生の教室では、本についての質問を考える勉強をしていました。本を読む前、読んでいる間、読んだ後にする質問を考え、読み進む間に質問に答えるためのヒントを見つけることを焦点に学習していました。自分たちで質問を考え、自分で選んだ本を読んでいました。とても集中してお勉強していますね!


In our Y3/4 classroom, students have been reading a variety of explanation texts. During this lesson, they focussed on finding specific language features in the text such as technical vocabulary, present tense verbs, time and sequence words. Students look for those language features in the text that they were reading and highlight them in specific colours. 3・4年生の教室でも説明文の勉強をしていました。この授業では、特別用語、現在形の動詞、時間や順番を表す言葉など、特定の言葉を見つける勉強をしていました。3・4年生もとても集中していますね!

I often share the photos of our Y5/6 students typing on laptops, but they actually have a great handwriting! That is because they are explicitly taught and practise this skill in the classroom. 5・6年生の教室の風景では、頻繁にパソコンでタイピングしている風景をお届けしておりますが、生徒達は手書きの文字もとても上手なんです!教室では、手書きの授業や練習をする機会もきちんと設けられています。