Library, Clubs & Activities 

THS Debating team

THS’s Year 9 Debating Team has been competing in the Ivanhoe Region to great success.


Team members:

Elsie House

Greta Schumacher

Violet Poules

Wren Tafra

Mathilda Lee

Ramona Ware

Klara Stensholt


In their first debate THS defeated Ivanhoe Grammar School and argued that we should not ban contact sports. It was a close debate with THS coming out on top by 1 point and Elsie was awarded best speaker.


THS also won their second debate by 4 points against Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar School with Greta being awarded best speaker. They successfully persuaded the audience that we should cancel the suburban railway loop.


The team will now verse Ivanhoe Girls’ Grammar again this week - we wish them all the best! They will be arguing that we should implement a 4 day school week.


Congratulations to our Year 9 Debating team’s recent success.


Hannah Sproules on behalf of the Debating Club





THS Star Wars fans gathered in the library to celebrate Star Wars day sporting some fine costumes and accessories. Thank you to Mr Bason for generously sharing your costumes.




The library was decked in colour this IDAHOBIT Day, showcasing some of the LGBTQI+ books we have in our collection. Click here to browse and reserve books.