Deputy Principal


Walking around the College this week it was great to walk into Ms. Patterson’s Year 11 Hospitality class and see the students engaged in their learning and putting what they had learnt in theory into practice. The students were making breakfast boards which included bacon, poached eggs, chorizo, avocado, sausages, tomatoes, hash browns and toast. The kitchen was a hype of activity as the young men had to not only get everything cooked under timed conditions but also present it. Some students went the extra mile and placed lettuce leaves on top. You truly do eat with your eyes as a first impression, which I tried to explain to some students as they cut a few corners and ate before it was completely presented! It was clear to see that these young men were engaged in their learning and the fact they got to eat their own work I think made it even more enjoyable. 


I congratulate those students who played in the 15As and Bs Rugby teams over the weekend, which I had the pleasure of refereeing. While it was not a pleasure to referee in the pouring rain, it was great to witness our young men play competitively as well as treat their opponents and myself with respect. Our young men never cease to amaze me, and I am extremely proud to be the Deputy of St Patrick’s College as I get to work with fine young men of the caliber that was on display on Breen Oval last weekend.


Adrian Byrne

Deputy Principal