Class News

Cooking For Two

It's been a while since we visited the kitchen, and look at what the students have been doing. The shift in weather has us seeking warm, savoury foods that go the distance. Pizza scrolls smelled and looked delicious as students worked through the steps to make these yummy snacks.

Food For Life

Minestrone soup is the perfect dish for this time of year. Students chopped, stirred and produced a hearty pot of nourishing goodness.


In their Year 10 Indonesian class, students participated enthusiastically in a Treasure Hunt activity. Each student wrote directions and clues in Indonesian, guiding their classmates to find the hidden treasure. They thoroughly enjoyed the challenge and excitement of the hunt, which not only enhanced their language skills but also fostered teamwork and problem-solving. The students were especially delighted with the Indonesian souvenirs they discovered as the treasure, adding a special cultural touch to the activity.

Home Workshop

Students worked well together to put quite a few rows of bricks together. Learning the skill of bricklaying, and if using this task as a metaphor......learning the importance of a solid foundation made with care and attention to detail. 

Global Issues

Students in Global Issues, focused their attention locally this week. Phil took them on an excursion to the Mount Beauty Visitor Information Centre (VIC). Students used crutches to get a feel for some of the challenges faced by people with mobility issues. A VIC representative covered topics such as accessibility in the area, as well as showing students the whistling snow poles. 

It was great to see the students so engaged. They even picked up some flyers for ideas of things to do with their parents /guardians.