Deutsche Ecke

R-5     Libby Edwards

Yrs 3-6      Emma Chesterman 

Und die Gewinner sind…

And the winners are…


Last year, students in Mellor, Torrens and Fisher participated in the South Australian German Teachers Association (SAGTA) annual poster competition, creating posters based on the Bundesland, Brandenburg. You may recall that we shared with you all the beautiful entries in one of our newsletters last year. It was with absolute delight that we received notice from SAGTA that some of our students were winners!


Wir gratulieren:


Scarlett Hallerster Platz (Year 3-5 Category)


Nina Garlandzweiter Platz (R-2 Category)


Makayla Martinoerster Platz (Year 6-7 Category)

Anushree Diwanjibesondere Erwähnung (Year 6-7 Category)


Zara Bhutto – besondere Erwähnung (Year 6-7 Category)


Herzlichen Glückwunsch!


The winning entries will be proudly on display at the SAGTA conference this June. We look forward to supporting SAGTA and participating in the competition again this year!


Frau Chesterman & Frau Edwards


We would like to acknowledge the artwork at the top of this DEUTSCHE ECKE page is Blasko W's illustration of der Brandenburger Tor, Berlin's very famous Brandenburg Gate.